Chapter 14. Back Home.

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Your POV

I awoke in the woods, the night sky being lit by the moonlight.
I looked around, breathing heavily, a cold sweat on my forehead.
Was that just a dream? No it couldn't have been.
My hands trailed to my hoodie pocket, where I felt my knife.
I sighed in relief and stood up, but felt a burning sensation on my neck and wrists.
No, it wasn't...
I pulled my hood over my head, looking around for which direction the mansion was in, then walked.

Nearly 15 minutes later I reached the mansion, I could see through the large window that everyone was in the living room, having a meeting of some sorts.
I stopped somewhat 50 feet of the window, standing directly in view of it.
I'm alive.
I thought that as I looked at Slender, and at the same time, his head spun around, seeing my in the darkness.
Everybody else turned, then scrambled to the door.
I slowly walked, my hands in my hoodie pocket and I smiled, everybody running towards me.
"Y/N! Are you ok?!" Jane asked as she nearly tackled me down with a hug.
I hugged her back, "Yes I'm fine..."
The burning on my wrists and neck stung even harder, I winced and ignored it.
She let go of me, where I was then greeted and hugged by everybody else.
Slender sighed in relief, as did his brothers.
"How did you get back here Y/N?" Masky asked, everybody else nodded, wondering the same thing.
My eyes trailed up to Slender, then at the ground.
"I just woke up here I guess. My wrists and neck burn like hell..." I said, biting the inside of my cheek.
Slender was reading my mind I could tell, it would save me the trouble of telling him everything at least.

I sat inside at the kitchen table, EJ gently rubbing his gloves hands across my wrists as he examined them.
"Best you could do is just keep ice on it, but I'm completely confused as to why the skin is this red though." He muttered as he place a cool ice pack on them both.
I softly hissed at the pain, the coldness and my hot skin mixing, but after a minute it slowly started to go away.
He moved himself to my neck, standing up as he applied a cooling gel on it, my skin tingled against it, but it helped soothe it.
Slender, LJ and Ben watched from the living room,
"What are we gonna do now Slender? We have Y/N back." Ben asked as he floated next to Slender.
I listened to them, staring at the floor.
"We're going to have to do our best to protect Y/N now. That's all we can do." He replied.
LJ spoke next, standing with his arms folded, his silver eyes I could feel staring at me.
"Without question." The clown replied.
EJ then applied the gel on my wrists and wrapped them, my eyes grew tired, I ended up falling asleep at the table.

[Edited, June 16th, 2019]

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