Parents. They just don't match up to real life in fan fiction. Here just read.The first time of parents are the "Okay Honey!!!" Parents. Aka the do whatever you want parents.
Example:Omg. I can't belive an ugly, four eyes, beatiful, dork like me with 100 friends is going on a 1D tour. First I'm going to ask my mom. "Hey mom can I skip schools for a few moths, and go on tour with a bunch of random people?" She looked at me "Sure!!!'
Now the next type are the hashfag relatable parents. It's easier to show than explain
I woke up, and walked down my stairs. My mom was snap chatting, and my dad was wearing some 2017 shit. Man my parents are swag masterzzz.
Hello, I hope you all loved.
I love all the support 'n stuff, and thanks to my friend JasminRulez0825 for helping me with this one!!!

Me Complaining About Life And Wattpad
RandomComplaining about my dumpster fire life, and also about wattpad. MAYBE I'll talk about some good things, but probably not Quote me in the trash can. :D Stay Thirsty My Friends.