Chapter Thirty Four~ Henry's Secret

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The man they went to see liked to style himself an "Information Broker." His name was Samuel Schullman and, as far as Gwen could tell, he basically collected dirt on rich, famous, and powerful people that he either used himself as leverage or sold onto someone else who wanted it badly enough.

According to Beatrice, if Sammy-boy (Beatrice's words, not Gwen's) didn't have something they could use to metaphorically pin Henry's arm behind his back, no one did. And the information brokerage business apparently paid quite well, judging by the man's penthouse suite overlooking the park.

Looking out the big window that ran the length of the exterior wall, Gwen thought she could see Aiden's building somewhere on the other side. Beatrice had met him at some party or other, and their senses of humor meshed so well that they saw each other on the regular. They seemed like they'd be perfect for each other, but, to Gwen's shock, neither noticed the compatibility vibes going between them. Although that might have been because Samuel resembled a young Jack Nicholson with more hair. Beatrice could be rather shallow about who she found attractive. As soon as he heard B's voice through the intercom, he buzzed them up.

Even Aiden was impressed by that condo. He greeted them at the door holding a dry martini with a single olive bobbing around within. Both Aiden and Gwen were less impressed about Samuel's knowledge of their relationship. Gwen felt quite glad that this guy was B's friend, and not someone who would come knocking a few months down the line with some blackmail in mind.

"I didn't know that these were your friends, Beeb," he said, "How fascinating!"

Beatrice hooked her arm through his when he offered it, and Gwen and Aiden followed the two of them into the condo. "There's all sorts you don't know about me," Beatrice said, "But I think we need to save that for another time."

Samuel led them into an expansive living room. They sat at a sectional couch set into a sunken part of the floor. "A business call, is it? Even more fascinating!" Samuel said, lazing back on the couch like some decadent Roman Emperor. "So what is it you need?"

Beatrice explained the situation without going into too much detail, leaving it at they wanted something to use against Henry so that the happy young couple could get back to enjoying their relationship. She didn't mention anything about the girlfriend contract. Samuel sipped at his martini, then licked his lips while he watched them.

Gwen could practically see the gears turning over in his head, the balances tipping one way or the other. This guy definitely gave her the creeps. The plush, expensive sofa they sat on felt somehow dirty. Skeezy. And she wished they'd come up with some other way to go about this whole thing.

"Henry Manning, eh? Now there's a clever silver fox. He thinks he's so smart, covering himself the way he does."

"So you're saying you have nothing?" Aiden broke in. That earned him another measuring look while Samuel sipped at his drink.

"No, that is not what I said at all. I said that your father thinks he has his tracks covered very well. And I'm going to let you in on a little secret here..." Samuel leaned closer, "The ones who think they have all their dirty laundry locked up tight? They're the easiest ones to find something on."

"So you do have something," Gwen said, leaning back. She'd leaned in when Samuel had, eager to hear what he had to say. From the large square mahogany coffee table, Samuel pulled an iPad. He unlocked it and they watched him for a few moments while he found whatever it was he sought.

"I do."

Immediately, Aiden reached into his jacket and produced a checkbook. The same one from which he'd given Gwen that first check for her signing the contract. He also pulled out a pen, poising it in his fingers to begin scrawling on the paper.

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