Purely Yours *{33}* - Meeting the Vamp Family

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Heya guys :D I just want to quickly dedicate this chapter to Nancy (SmileYourBeautiful12). I just want to really say thanks for all the encouraging messages you send me :) They always make me feel happy and pumped to write more haha. You da bomb ;) x




                                                 Purely Yours  ~ {Chapter Thirty-Three} ~ 

“You’re an ass!” I shouted, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him, only for him to smack it out of the way before it could hit him. He was smirking that jerk!

“I’m here now aren’t I?”

I glared, grabbing another pillow before standing on my bed and throwing it as hard as I could. It made me angrier when he purposely let it hit him and his smirk only grew.

“You were gone for two days, right after we got kidnapped and you thought I would be all DANDY WITH IT?!” I shouted, bending down to grab my other two pillows before doing the same and throwing them at him.

“You’re over reacting,” he commented, his smirk dying when he realised I was genuinely angry, “You’re forgetting that I’m a vampire with royal blood running through me. I’m not easy to break.”

I rolled my eyes. “How strong you are is not what I’m concerned about. It’s Lucifer that worries me.”

He chuckled, shaking his head and I narrowed my eyes.

As he went to step towards where I was I lashed out my hand, bringing forth the energy through my veins and pushing him back with a line of wind.

He seemed surprised by my sudden attack and looked up to me as if daring me to do it again.

“Don’t come near me.”

After a moment he glanced away, smirking. “What happened to the quiet Nuthead I know?”

The nickname chipped away at my anger but I held my ground. Even after I chased him down that night and begged for him to stay he still left. I wasn’t going to forgive him that easy, bloodmate or not.

Still, saying that was easier said than done, I wanted to forgive him already and just hug him.

“She was gone the second my bloodmate became an arse.”

Again, his amusement grew and I wanted to know what was humouring him.

“Why are you laughing?! Don’t you take anything seriously?!” I exclaimed tiredly, throwing my hands up only for him to smile a genuine smile, shrugging.

“I never thought I would want a mate but hearing you call me yours is chipping my hatred of it away.”

My next retort died in my throat as I stared at him, my face heating slowly. I had never seen him so sweet in his own weird way. It was quite scary actually. Only months before he was glaring at me non-stop and was closed off and now he was working his way towards a decent nice guy…I think.

I was more weirded-out when he extended his arms out for me to enter his embrace. After a full ten seconds of silence he lifted an eyebrow.

“Really? I’m surprised you would refuse this.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re acting weird…”

I was waiting for his response when my right foot suddenly moved forward and I pulled it back.

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