Purely Yours *{10}* - Blood Mate: Part 2

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Just saying this before you read, I hate how this turned out so please excuse this chapter and I'll definitely make up for it next chapter! :(

Anyway, this chapter I'm dedicating to my cousin, Theo4Life. He's new here and he writes really really well surprisingly haha ;D Definitely go check him out because I honestly believe that he's probably a better writer than me :)

Okay! Let's get reading! :D



                                                 Purely Yours  ~ {Chapter Ten - Part 2} ~  

“Blood mate…?” I trailed off, looking at him as I watched his eyes graze over my wall marked ‘Emma’s Life Wall’ with all my pictures collaged beneath it. In a way I found it as a breach of privacy but my mind waved it away, not feeling like Xavier would criticise it.

“Yeah. Unfortunately our blood is tied together,” he said half-heartedly as he continued to study my wall.
How is that possible? How was my blood tied to his?

My eyes bulged. Was he a brother that I never knew I had?!

Snapping my eyes up to his in panic, he looked at my like I had grown another head or was retarded.

“I’m not related to you if that’s what you’re thinking.”

Letting out a harsh breath I ran my hand roughly through my hair, desperately wanting to just sleep all of this off right now.

His deep breathing caught my attention again as he closed his eyes for a second, the silence dominating the atmosphere before he released his breath loudly.

“Okay. Listen carefully, because I will explain this once and only once. Don’t interrupt till I’m finished speaking, understand?”

Nodding unsurely he looked at me for a second before moving his eyes down, holding out his hand again.

“Every living thing on the planet has, what we call, a blood thread. It’s created depending on what you are and what type of blood you have.”

I listened intently to his low yet calming voice, bringing my knees up to my chest and hugging them loosely.

“While that happens, they’re also sorted to a partner to match their blood thread. Their other half has the exact same design and their blood is tied together with these blood threads. It’s like an invisible connection from one being to the other, all sorted before they’re born.”

He paused for a moment, exhaling before he continued. “Every creature has one and what colour they are depends on their blood type. Vampires have black blood and werewolves have brown even though it appears red as they are half human.”

“W-werewolves?!” I whispered in surprise, hoping I heard him wrong.

“Yeah, those mutts exist as well. But that’s beside the point. Humans also have blood mates but their blood threads blend in with one’s skin, which is a reason why humans can move from person to person. It’s surprising if a human ever finds their mate.”

Looking down at my palm I viewed the golden lines sprayed across my palm.

“So if…,” I started, furrowing my brows, “if I’m not human then what am I?”                            

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