Chapter 10: Goodbye

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I'm so confused.
What did his manager said?
I go into the house and sit down on the sofa in the living room.
I turn on the TV.
I fall asleep on the sofa till the morning.

I wake up and have an huge headache. 
Oh no am I getting sick?
I stand up and decide to go upstairs into my bathroom. 
The shower feels so good.
I stay under the shower for 20 minutes I guess.
And I think about last night. 
Who is that girl?
I can't remember her name.
But honestly I don't want to know her name or see her again.
She kissed the boy I love.
Yeah I love him so much.
How can that be after only three weeks.
It's so insane. I'm finished with my shower and I put some clothes on and decide to learn for the university. 
The semester breaks are almost over and then I have to go to the university again.
This was the most exciting holidays I ever had. 
I met the most beautiful boy of the world and coincidentally he's a famous singer.
I can't believe it.

After three hours I was finished with learning and I am bored.
I turn on my phone and I have no messages from Shawn.
Mhm that's weird.
I call Kara and we meet in front of the cinema. 
We watch a romantic comedy.
I have to think about Shawn all the time.
Why he don't write or call me?
I have a bad feeling in my stomach.

Two weeks are passing by and I still hear nothing from Shawn.
I'm really worried.
Did he forget me?
But it can't be true.

I'm at home after the university and I learn for the next exam.
I want to get some fresh air and I go out for a little walk.
The temperature is fresh but still warm enough.
The sky is cloudless and I can see the stars.
I love the sky at night.
Oh how I wish that Shawn would be here right now by my side.
I walk down the street and watch what the other people doing.

I come to the bridge were I was standing with Shawn that night.
I look down to the skyline of Toronto and I still can't believe how beautiful this city is.

Suddenly I feel warmth and  someone puts his arms around my waist. I think at first I would dream but then I turn around and Shawn stands in front of  me. "Shawn, what are you doing here?"
"Meliya I'm so sorry that i didn't notified you."
"I was almost sick with worry. Why didn't you call me or send a message? What happened?"
Shawn looks at me sadly and I can see how much he is sorry and that something depresses him.
"My tour started earlier and I had to organize and plan a lot. Two days after our night I flew to New York and then from one city to another. I didn't have time and I'm sorry. And I have to tell you unfortunately that I have to leave tomorrow and I will be six months away." What did he just say? He will be away for whole six months? This means that we will not see each other for so long time. "But that means I will not see you anymore. Is it over now?"
Tears rise into my eyes and sadness fills me. How should I endure it without Shawn? "I wish I could tell you something else. But yes I'll be on tour for the next six months.
I'm sorry Meliya but it's better this way."
With these words Shawn takes me into his strong arms caresses my cheek softly and gives me a kiss on my lips. His lips are warm and soft.
This time the kiss is not demanding or passionate. I can feel that this is a kiss of farewell.

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