"A Drunken Kiss"

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Before you read I will have you know I'm am a failure at life and secretly a potato, so now that that's out there let's begin!

//Cullen x FEM! Inquisitor //


///////////* Y/n's POV *//////////

Slowly I opened my eyes I got blinded by the sun I woke up to realise I was not in my room room and did not remember what happened the night before. I heard a groan next to me so I turned around to find a man in the bed next to me, still asleep beside me. I panicked and scrambled to gather my things and made my way out of the room, I proceeded with my walk of shame until I got to my room. I had hoped to avoid being seen but I bumped into Lillana leaving Josephine's room with messy hair and her armor on backwards. Of course I couldn't have looked any better with my (h/l) (h/c) hair all messed up and flying off everywhere, not to mention my clothes my top was all the way unbuttoned, the top button of my pants were undone and I was carrying my shoes. We and stared at each other then walked away in our separate directions with massive blushed knowing what the both had just done.

When I got back to my room my mind was still jumbled I tried to remember the events of last night.


Sera and Iron Bull had convinced Cullen, Cassandra, Lillana, Josephine, and I to go out drinking with them. I was not interested in getting drunk, I had planned on drinking a few mugs of ale and watching over everyone in an attempt to keep a fight from breaking out or at least that was the plan.

But soon one mug turned into two, two into three and so on. I got though five mugs then things started to get a little hazy. I remember chatting with Iron Bull and then he gave me some of his Qunari brandy, it burned going down my throat and I coughed but continued drinking it all.

I stumbled over to Cullen who was drunk off his ass and so badly if you can even call it dancing in the corner of the pub. I stood in front of him and did the reeling in motion he saw this and he started to act like he was caught while slowly getting closer to me. We both stared dancing very badly so badly infact that everyone stopped to watch us.

Hours passed and Cullen started to sober up he stopped dancing, but I on the other hand was still going, drinking mug after mug after mug. Again I stumbled across the room over to the empty table that Cullen was sitting at, as I stumbled to the chair I plopped down with all my weight and missed the chair landing on my bum like and idiot right in front of Cullen, I blushed a deep shade of red in embarrassment and scolded my self ' stupid stupid stupid! ' I thought

Cullen got up and held out his hand chuckling, I slowly raised my hand to grasp his still blushing partly because I was embarrassed and partly because I was still super drunk. Cullen grabbed my hand and tried to pull me up, but some how he lost balance and fell on top of me. Our faces so close I could feel his warm breath. He was flustered and tried to get up but somehow made the situation even worse. He sifted his leg revealing his lump. I was drunk as hell and didn't notice and moved my leg causing him to let out a soft but cute moan. His light blush turned crimson and he began breathing heavily.

Suddenly he got up and pulled me up with him. He then carried me to his room and threw me on the bed. He kissed me roughly, I was still drunk off my mind so I was up for anything so I kissed back. He moved from my lips to my neck I moaned in pleasure as he nipped and sucked until he left purple bruises all around my neck. He unbuttoned my shirt and continued his handy work until he reached the rim of my pants then he stopped I gave him a confused look

"why'd you stop" I asked in a whiney drunken voice

He looked at me with want but there was some other emotion in his eyes I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"I want you, I really do" he paused "but not like this" he said

I was still drunk and now horny so I was pretty pissed and tried to get him to continue.

"Come on you got me all excited and now your just going to leave me?" I whined.

"No, I shouldn't your the inquisitor and on top of that your drunk I shouldn't take advantage of you" he explained

"Come on!" I exclaimed


'Oh maker did, did I sleep with commander Cullen?' I thought. I got ready for the day first I got dressed properly, then I fixed my hair. I took a deep breath then reached for the door nob and opened it to see a flustered and extremely adorable Commander Cullen standing in front of me. I panicked and slammed the door then locked it 'he is the last person I want to see' I thought I ran to my bed and hugged a pillow and waited for him to leave.

He knocked on the door for a while and then the knocking stopped. I waited for a while longer to make sure he was gone. Then I opened the door and left my room. I walked over to Varric and said hello.

"Hey, Inquisitor" Varric greeted

"Do you know what's up with Blondie he's been acting weird all day" he asked

"No I have no idea what's wrong" I lied

"Really because he's been asking about you asking where you were and if you hated him?" Varric replied

"Ugh" I groaned "where is he?" I asked

"He said something about going to the pub and drinking his sarrows away" Varric said

I ran off without even saying goodbye to Varric, I had to figure out what happened last night

    I have writer's block right now, but if enough people want I could do a part two. But if no one reads it it will always be there for me just in case I want to finish it or read it lol 😜. I'm a loser.

PS: I wrote this when I was extremely tired so don't mind if I spelled something wrong or used it the wrong way in a sentence. Feel free to tell me and I will fix the mistake.

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Thanks for reading and remember....
I love you and you are FABULOUS!😘

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