Chapter I: Path for Maxwell

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"Be patient, all will be done in due time"

It's been 15 years since my master vanished...

I've followed all the clues in his journal that he had left for me, and still I fail every single time to find him.

Page after page, I read it from the beginning until the end.

Yet I have no idea where to find him...

And I sometimes thought to myself if I'll ever give up.

Until one faithful day, when I bumped into a town that changed the course of my journey...

I was searching for my master in the little town called Napatt and stumbled upon a group of bandits.

They surrounded me from every angle. Then one of them said "Give us your bag, and no one will get hurt."

Of course I did not follow what he said, so I used my powers againts them. I used a confusion spell to make them fight each other.

It worked and I had the pleasure to escaped while they were fighting.

After that fiasco I quickly left the town and headed east to continue my quest.

I had walked miles and miles to reach the eastern territory.

Without food and water I survived using my intelligence and of course my magic.

After a rough day in the wilderness I decided to rest for awhile and read my master's journal.

In my suprise, a brand new page had emerged from the journal. It was no ordinary page. The page had a wheel, and inside the wheel were 6 symbols including my master's symbol, the eye of truth.

The other symbols were a flower, a heart, a hammer, the moon, and a cross which was unfamiliar to me.

Then suddenly the book floated from the palm of my hands and gave me a vision.

I had a vision of meeting five individuals, each possessing the five symbols in my master's journal. Then we went to a cave and entered a metallic door with the symbol of the cross in it.

Then my vision stopped and the book fell down from the air as if nothing had happened.

I quickly headed east again to follow what the book had showed me, because I know my master gave me that vision.

After days of walking I finally found a town I can rest in. I had landed in a town called Zura.

Zura was unlike any other towns I've been. Zura looked like a happy place for strangers like me.

When I reached Zura, I fell down and was unconcious due to dehydration.

When I woke up, I saw a lady in the foot of my bed and said "Ah, your awake."

"What happened to me?" I asked and she said "Our guards saw you unconcious in the ground, so they brought you here so I can help you."

"How long was I out?" I confusingly asked her. "You've been asleep for 3 days and I've been taking care of you." She said with a smile.

"I slept for that long? Wow! Thank you so much for your help." And I smiled for my gratitude for her.

"I never got your name?" She said "Well... I'm... I'm... Max. And you are?" And I asked her name politely "I'm Rose, the town's doctor and a part time biologist." She said with pride.

"Well it's time for you to eat, you've been unconcious for a very long time." She said with concern. And I replied "Why yes, I'm really hungry after all of that sleeping" and both of us smiled at each other...


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