Chapter 1:Where are you?

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Here is the first chapter of When We Meet Again
This chapter is about Rosa and her family still going on, but they receive news about Touko



Springtime in Nuvema Town was wonderful and hearing the sounds of children running through the town. A young girl of 10 was running ahead of them.

Close behind her was a girl no older than 8 and following behind them were two boys of 10 and 8.

"Come on guys you're going too slow" "Touko wait up you're going too fast" "Yeah sis slow down" "You know when Touko gets to running she runs as fast as a Rapidash" "You got that right," said the siblings. "Hey! Don't think I heard that Touya now come on, you're going to miss it," Touko said, running ahead of them towards Route 1.

When Touko stopped running she sat down at the entrance of Route 1 and not too close to the grass. Once she sat down, she heard her siblings coming up behind her panting. "Finally, you guys are so slow" "Not our fault we have a Rapidash as a sister" "And it's not my fault that you're all as slow as a Slowpoke" "Oh hush you," said Nate sitting down next to Touya.

"Oh, look," I said pointing to the sky.

Wild Pidove flew through the sky and pink cherry blossoms flew through the sky, some dropping to the ground and onto the children. "Hey, Rosa" "Yeah, "I said. "Unfezant" "What" "unfezAnt!!"

"Ahh!!," I screamed as I fell out of my bed. I turned and glared at the bird Pokemon standing over me. "I think Unfezant is trying to tell you it's time to get up sis," said a voice at my door.

I turned to my door and saw my twin brother Nate standing there still dressed in his Lucario pj pants and blue t-shirt and I glared at him too.

"Don't get your Pichu PJs in a twist he woke me up too. Mom and Touya are already downstairs fixing breakfast so come on down," he said as he walked out of the door with Unfezant following him. I got off the floor and walked to my bedroom closet to pick out my usual outfit. I laid them down on my bed and started heading toward the door, but I stopped and looked at the pictures on the wall.

It was me, Nate, Touya, mom, Cheren, Bianca, and Touko in front of the Trainers school in Striaton City when they graduated. The other picture was taken before Touko and Touya left to go on their Pokemon journey. Mom wanted us to take a group picture before they left. The night before they left, mom had asked what they wanted to be and Touya said he wanted to be a researcher like Professor Juniper and complete the Pokedex. At the same time, Touko was undecided, but she wanted to complete the Pokedex also.

I stared at the pictures for a little while longer before going downstairs. As I walked down the stairs, I passed several pictures of us or just my older sister and brothers or our Pokemon playing together. I turned away and kept walking.

It's been 2 years since Touko went missing from her hotel room in Driftveil City. All of us including Cheren, Bianca, Alder, the Gym Leaders, and the Elite 4 have been searching all over Unova, but no luck so far. Many assumed that she couldn't handle being champion so she fled to another region. I know she didn't even though she didn't plan on being Unova's champion. I know she would never abandon any position she was given.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my brothers sitting in the living room watching TV and my mom fixing breakfast.

"Good morning Rosa, breakfast will be ready in a minute. Why don't you go outside to the yard and feed your Pokemon I'm sure they're hungry" "Okay mom, and good morning to you too, "I said as I walked out of the back door into the yard and saw my Pokemon, my brothers', and Touko's Pokemon eating. "Good morning guys time for breakfast," I said carrying a bunch of Pokemon food. I had caught more than 6 Pokemon during my journey so our yard is a lot larger so we could fit mine, Touya's, Nate's, and Touko's Pokemon if we caught any more. Mom takes care of them when we send them through the Pokemon PC to her. "Eat up guys we have a busy day today," I said walking back into the house.

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