Chapter 2:Shocking News

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Here is the first chapter of When We Meet Again
This chapter is about Rosa and her family still going on, but they receive news about Touko

"-Talking on the Xtransceiver
Bold words are like narrations or pokemon talking
I do NOT own pokemon or its games or characters



"Now my name is Looker I work for the police and I understand that Ms. Arina, your eldest daughter, and former Unova champion Touko White has been missing for 2 years and 6 months" "Yes that is correct" "I believe Team Plasma has kidnaped your daughter," said Looker with a severe expression on his face.



There was silence and tension in the room. It was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop on the ground. "What...Team Plasma, but I thought Rosa, me, and Hugh had them disbanded after Rosa defeated Black Kyurem and Ghetsis," Nate said after coming over his shock. "We thought so too, but Ghetsis' scientist Colress managed to get him out of the crossfire before we could arrest them and a handful of grunts escaped also," Looker said calmly.

"Now, Ms. Rosa, are you familiar with the Plasma Frigate?" ''Yeah, that's where I battled Zinzolin, Colress, and the Shadow Triad, but what does that have to do with my sister?" I said.

Looker pulled out a layout of the Plasma Frigate and pointed to a spot circled in red.

"It is to my knowledge, provided by N, that the Frigate has a secret prison bunker to keep humans and Pokemon hostage and I believe that Touko is there," he said. "That would make sense" "What do you mean Rosa?" "Well, I was going to tell you guys about this but last night I don't know if it was a vision or a dream, but I saw Touko on the ground of a cell or something" "Rosa, this better not be a joke" "It's not a joke. I saw her I could touch her and speak to her," I said.

"Wait Touko has a Gothitelle. Did she mention a Pokemon named, Astra?" "Yeah, she did" "That proves that you talked to her. Her Gothitelle is an extraordinary one. She can make connections with Touko and in turn, Touko can make a mental connection with anyone" "So what did she say Ro" "Well, I saw that she was on the ground. Her jacket had tears in them, and as far as I know I didn't see any injuries on her," she said to her mother. "She asked me to find her and to do that she said I would need everyone's help including N's," I explained.

"Why....why my daughter why her, "my mom said as she looked like she was about to cry. "Because she was chosen as Reshiram's heroine and she was the only one, before Rosa, to defeat fath I mean Ghetsis, and disbanded Team Plasma by herself. I believe Ghetsis wants his revenge for ruining his perfect plan and your family. Starting with the one person to oppose him and succeed," N said looking at the ground with a hard look. I almost forgot that he was Ghetsis's son.

"How can we trust what he says? I mean, I know Touko said we'll need his help, but think about it none of this would have happened had he not involved Touko in that battle for humans and Pokemon," Touya said looking or should I say glaring at N. I saw N flinch and saw that his eyes held sadness and most of all regret.

"In any case, N has agreed to help the police, and Ms. Arina with your permission I would like to ask your children to help me and N track her down and bring her back," Looker said looking at my mom. "How?" "Thanks to N's knowledge of Team Plasma and all of the children's experience fighting a Plasma grunt or someone in high ranks at some point during their journey I believe we can bring her back," he said.

Everyone including myself was looking at my mom hoping she would say yes.

"If I permit you, do you promise me that you will bring all of my children home and I mean all of them back to me? Because after losing Touko for 2 years, I don't think I could bear any more of my kids leaving me and never coming back, but I knew they had to spread their wings and leave home. So do you give me your word," our mom said as she was tearing up a bit. "I give you my word Ms. Arina that all of your children will come back to you safe and sound" "Alright you have my permission," she said with a sigh then she turned to us.

"Bring your sister home. You three you're stronger together," she said with a smile on her face. "We will mom we promise you that" "Hey don't forget about us we want to find Touko as much as you guys," said Cheren. "Of course the more people searching the better chance we'll have of finding her and the Plasma Frigate" "But Cheren what about your gym and Bianca what about your research" "I'm sure I can find a teacher or call Lenora to take over for me" "And I think Professor Juniper would let me off to help find Touko," Bianca said with a smile on her face.

"Great, since everyone has to make arrangements, how about we set out tomorrow morning is that good with everyone," Looker said. We all gave him a determined nod. "Fantastic, well we'll see you all tomorrow," said Looker, and he and N got up and headed for the door. "Wait N!" "Yes" "I just want to say thank you for helping us find her, it means the world to us," I said with a smile. "You're very welcome Rosa," he said with a small smile then he left with Looker. "Well looks like we're starting a new adventure," I said looking at everyone. "I promise Touko we'll find you and bring you back," I thought.

Unknown Location

In a small prison cell, sat a girl 18 years old with shackles around her wrists and ankles. They weren't short; they were long enough for her to move in. Her cell door suddenly opened and she looked up and saw her prison "warden". She gave him a glare that could scare a Pokemon. "Now now no need for that glare" "I see every damn reason for me to give this glare," she said as she glared.

"You insolent girl, you will learn how to respect those who are superior to you '''' Ha! You, superior, as if," she said with a smirk. He grabbed her off the ground and shoved her back down. "Now tell me, girl, where are your Pokemon" "As if I would tell you," she said glaring. Her warden left the cell with an evil look on his face. "I swear I will break that fighting spirit of your's Touko White," he said, slamming the cell door.

Once she could no longer hear his footsteps, she got up and went over to a loose piece of metal on the wall. She walked opened it and saw her backpack with her pokeballs still there. She grabbed Emboar's Pokeball and held it in her hands tightly. "Rosa, N, Nate, Touya please save me," she thought as she placed pokeballs back in the wall and slid down the prison wall with tears running down her face.



I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I plan on updating as much as I can

Hope you enjoyed Chapter 2

Nekhina <3

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