Chapter 9 - Home

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~ Monday 19th Of December ~


The last show yesterday was definitely memorable. It was also very emotional. At the end, extra confetti was released and the twins shared a meaningful hug.

Today me and Ethan are catching a flight back to London so we can go to my cousin's wedding. We would fly to New Jersey tomorrow. It's a lot of travelling but we didn't mind.

After saying goodbye to Grayson at the airport, we made our way on to the plane. Since the flight was only an hour and 45 minutes we didn't need to get comfy.

"I can't wait to see your house." Ethan smiled at me as I adjusted my seatbelt.

"My mum can't wait to see you again." I shook my head, chuckling.

"Your mom?" Ethan grinned at me. "I love how you say mom." He entangled our hands together.

"Okay American boy." I rolled my eyes playfully.

During the flight Ethan kept ahold of my hand, he was wearing some 4ou bands around his wrist today and another bracelet. Our connected hands rested on my leg.

I decided to snap a picture of just our hands for snapchat. I put the black and white filter on it, pretending to be a photographer, and put the caption as 'travel buddy'.

Time flew by and we arrived in London. My mum was already at the airport, waiting to pick us up. She was waiting outside the flight gate to greet us.

"Bel! How was France?" She immediately pulled me into a hug.

"It was great." I smiled. Her glance landed on Ethan.

"Ethan, it's so nice to see you again." She grinned at him, excitement in her eyes. "Everyone is so excited to finally meet you." My mum nodded.

"Its nice to see you too, I can't wait." Ethan smiled back at her.

We walked outside into the pouring rain. A secure reminder that we were back in the UK. Quickly, we scrambled into the car after putting our luggage in the boot.

"So our plan is to go home, pick up the rest of our things and then drive to the hotel." My mum explained as she started the car.

"Is the wedding after party in the hotel?" I asked, vaguely remebering.

"Yes, the wedding reception is in a registry office that is about 20 minutes away from the hotel." My mum nodded, she's seemed to have planned this all out in her head.

"It sucks that the weather is so bad." Ethan sighed, looking out the car window.

"Yeah, it kind of ruins it for them." I agreed.

As we drove back to the house, I took out my phone to text Violet and Jordan on the group chat.

Bel: Back in London homies

Jordy: Welcome back bruh

Vi: Perfect! Me and Jordan will be round yours soon, I want to see what outfit you have for the wedding.

Bel: Wait Vi I'm not even home yet.

Jordy: What? Why do I have to come?

Vi: Jordan shut up you're coming and Bella, we'll meet you there. Bye!

I rolled my eyes as I read Violet's message. But wait, both me and Ethan didn't have anything to wear for the wedding or the after party.

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