Two more Siblings

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Rocky's P.O.V

As time went by Dean and Sam were still processing the whole two secret sisters' thing as were Bella and I, but the other way around. Bobby was going out to get us some more information on the son. As Bella and I went through some old books and read some of the things that might explain something to us about this ghost that we don't already know.

Dean and Sam were reloading the weapons, as they made small talk. Every so often I would look up at Dean and catch him looking at me with pain in his eyes. I knew that our dad not telling us was probably tearing him down the most though.

"Ok sooner or later, we are going to need to talk about this." Dean spoke up making us all turn attention to him.

"My dad... Our dad how could he not tell us?" Dean asked with pain clearly in his voice.

"I don't know but we all feel just as bad as you Dean." Bella spoke up.

"You don't understand I was with dad a lot more then you two were, actually more then all three of you." Dean said walking closer with Sam by his side.

"Dean it doesn't matter who he was with more. He was all of us' dad." Bella said.

"Well trust me I was closer to him than any of you. Sam you left us to go to college and then you fell in love. So Bella and Rocky what are your stories?" Dean asked.

I made a pissed off face as Bella did the same, I knew at any second Bella would reply with some mean comment or the truth.

"Actually I never really spent time with our dad because we didn't get along very well." Bella said while turning around and continuing the research.

"Rocky." Dean said trying to tell me it was my turn.

"I was very close to my father and nothing you can say or do will change that. He might have died Dean just to save your sorry ass but I felt as bad as you when he was gone and I knew I wouldn't get to see him again." I said turning around and helping Bella leaving Dean in shock.

I'm sure that no one besides Bobby has ever talked to him like that. Yet I think he's forgetting that we are related and I was almost exactly like him. I wasn't about to let him say that he was the only one close to our father because it wasn't true at all.

I know that I should be mad at our father but I couldn't bring myself to feel that way. I just wish he would have told us before we found out years later. Bella wasn't lying, her and our dad never really got along at all.

She wanted an easy life, he wanted to go around and save lives. She started to do what he wanted not really agreeing with it unless she was with me. Our mom was pissed when our dad said that he was going to take us on a road trip without her. I think what really made her mad is that we never came home.

We have no idea where she is now; Bella and I are both very afraid that she wouldn't want to see us again. Why would she though? We basically ran away with our dad and never came back, who would want to see those type of people again.

Dean has still been processing that I snapped back at him when the phone rang, my phone to be exact. I picked it up and saw a unknown number.

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this the FBI agents that were at the crime scene earlier today?" A man asked.

"Yes, how did you get this number?" I asked now very curious.

"I found something before you arrived. I didn't want to say something to the other people because they looked like they would arrest me and send me to prison. So can I meet you somewhere and give you this evidence? I don't want it to be in my apartment or car any longer." The man asked.

"Woah slow down sir, um yes you can meet me and my partners at Black Stone Passing.  What did you find exactly?" I asked looking at Dean, Sam, and Bella as they walked closer.

"There was a note sitting on the floor next to the dead body." The man said.

"Ok see you soon." I said hanging up.

I wrote down on a piece of paper that there was a note at the crime scene and stuck it onto the wall.

"There was a note?" Sam asked.

"Yeah that was a guy that was there after the murder he said that he found the note right before the police arrived meaning us." I said grabbing my gun and badge.

"So you're going to go get this note from the man?" Dean asked.

"No we are all four of us. We might not like the fact that we have two more siblings then we knew about but we know about each other now and we can work together making us stronger." I said to Dean as he sighed and sat down on the couch.

"I'm not mad that I have two more siblings you two seem like good people and I'm happy that we finally figured out about each other, but it's just the fact that dad didn't tell us. It hurts you know?" Dean said looking at me and Bella.

"I understand a lot more than you think I do actually. It's ok to be mad at dad about never telling you it's normal, but you don't need to let it affect you that much." I said going and sitting next to Dean on the couch.

"OK then don't we have some illegal things to do?" Dean asked as I laughed and sat up along with him.

"Let's go and get some police evidence then." Bella said as we all left.


This is the first chapter since I took the book off hold so I hope you enjoy.

If you have ever wondered how this book was going to be it will be like supernatural, they will fight different things every six or seven chapters.

I wanted to make sure you knew that because I have had people ask me if it was just going to be like one book is one case that they take... and I didn't want there to be more than one or two books of Sister Winchesters so I decided to not do that and just make the books long.

So this book isn't even close to over yet so don't worry. They will also soon solve this case then the next case will start. 

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