Its snowing. I woke up and mother said that school was cancelled. I sat up and looked at the time.
Oh geez, it's too early to be awake. There's no school today? What am I supposed to do now? I thought to my self. My room was completely finished now. David and Wes completely changed it to the ideal teenager room. It was blue, not like a sky blue, but a teal and cerulean. My kind of blue. My bed was black and with white flowers. I had two book shelves full of books, my type of hobby. Wes had gotten into my memory boxes and hung up all of my ribbons and some pictures. One picture was of Johnny, Matt, and I. The same night where.....never mind.
I got up out from my bed and made sure I didn't look like a hobo. I looked in the mirror and my brown hair was streaked with black. Shit.. Its that time already? I walked to the bathroom and opened the cabinet. There was no hair dye. Dammit. This wont be good. So I walked back into my cold room and checked my hair again. My shoulder length hair was in a side ponytail and was just perfect from sleeping. My mind told my body what to do before I did. I walked over to the window seat where David and Wes perfected it. It was like sitting on a very cozy sofa. My back sat against the pillows and I looked up at the suns rays. They were trying to peak over Wes' house, so I lifted my hand. The rays gave me warmth on my freezing cold fingers. I looked into Wes' room where the memory of that night was still fresh in my mind. Since then he's taught me things about my self. We've had some flying lessons and they went terrible. He's taught me that I need to trust my self with my wings, let them flow. Don't hid them with a jacket, let my family know I have them. I've told him the warning of what they might do. They might send me back into the foster care system.
Today I slept without the jacket and I'm sitting on the window seat without a care in the world. Wes. My mind said over and over again. I looked at him and he was sound asleep. Actually, he was soundless. Not a pep came out of him while he slept. His black raven hair was tossed perfectly, and his eyes fluttered every once in a while. His arms tossed carelessly on the bed, and his wings. His wings were a violet color and were just amazing. He didn't care if someone came and saw them . He would explain the truth and if they believe then they do. If they don't, then oh well.
I heard a faint knock and I didn't turn. Because I already heard the response. A scream, a blood curdling scream enough to scare the shit out of me, and I fell out the side of the window. I grabbed on to Wes' window seal and yelled his name.
"Wes!" I screamed. The houses were so close together I had no room to open my wings and I have no strength in my arms what so ever. I heard some movement in his room and there he was. Outside in the sun looking amazing. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up, I came into his window and sat there. Looking in to my room.
"What the hell, Chase." he breathed. He was shirtless, breathing hard and his wings were almost toughing the floor.
"I was waiting for you to wake up and Marion came in. She...uh... sort of saw my wings and she screamed so loud I fell. Yea sorry for waking you up. I'm really sorry, Wes." I apologized to him. He laughed.
"It's okay. I did the same thing when my mom saw, except I fell down the Niagara Falls." he laughed clearly remembering the moment. I laughed a little then stared back into my room. You could clearly hear Marion talking to David about it. She was screaming at him telling him that she wasn't hallucinating and that I was some sort of demon, nice to know that they love me.
"When can I go home?" I asked him already missing my room. He walked towards me from behind and laid a hand on my shoulder.
"You can go back when ever, we can explain to them what you are. They will come to understand it soon." He said. I grabbed onto my window and jumped into my room. I waited for Wes to follow, but I forgot that he was shirtless. So he grabbed a pair of jeans and a white t shirt, then we were ready. I walked out and Marion screamed again. David flinched.
"Marion listen to me. Don't be afraid. We're not going to hurt you." Wes assured her, he grabbed my hand and sat down in front of my family.
"Marion listen. She's not a demon. We are not demons, we wont hurt you. OK?" he said to her. He had such a stern look, she nodded her head.
"Chase and I are...different. We have wings as you saw. There are more like us, they keep it a secret from their family because they cant risk their secret getting out. All of you must keep it a secret too. IF you don't and the world finds us, all hell would break loose. Literally." he looked at David and David smiled at me, he believes. Marion on the other hand.
"I don't want anything to do with you. You will not speak to me, I will not feed you. But, I will keep your secret. You are not my daughter." he hissed at me.
"I never was!" I screamed at her and she fell down in horror. I walked into my room and someone was behind me. David, looked at me and I saw in his eyes compassion.
"David don't look at me. I might scare you." I whispered.
"You and me were never really close. But just because Marion doesn't want you doesn't mean I don't. I adopted you, you are mine. And I will get you whatever you need or want. OK?" he hugged me and I hugged him back. I looked at him and something changed. His appearance was different, but only for a second.
"Thanks David." I cried to him.
"Wes.' I whispered, 'Wes wake up." It has been a week since Marion saw my wings. Wes has been going all around the place, he's told me that he's trying to find others like us. Every time he would come home it was be really late at night, or really late the next day. He hasn't gotten much sleep. This time I was going to go with him whether he liked it or not. I opened the window and grabbed a hold of the metal bar I put up to help me to his house. I grabbed onto it and swung into his room. He wasn't there. I balled my hands into fists and punched the wall. He promised I could come. Then I saw on his bed there was a note.
This time it was too dangerous for you to come. I'm sorry, I know I promised, please forgive.
How can I stay mad at him. Then as I was walking out, another note, attached to a sweatshirt.
I'll be gone for a month on this assignment. I left something for you to wear if you get cold and lonely. Think of how sexy I look in this sweatshirt. Oh, you might want to wash it. It was burning with sexiness that JG urinated on it.
JG was his little pup boxer, who was named after John Green, Wes' favorite author. I carefully picked up the sweatshirt and climbed back into my room. I walked out of the room and downstairs to the washer. Threw it in and was done till the morning.
I walked out of my room and it was really early in the morning.
I stopped dead in my tracks. Marion was in the kitchen. Which means I cant get food till she leaves and goes into her room. Which is never. She is trying to make me starve so I leave. Well two can play at this game.

Forgotten Life
Подростковая литератураChase Collins has been through a lot. She had been putting together the pieces of her childhood memories to find out who this Wes is? All she knows is that he knows everything about her, even her wings. She's in too much pain, the memories she's bee...