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I was terrified. I stood in the middle of a clearing, with no warmth but my snow suit and I was completely lost. You would think, well wait wont your wolf keep you warm? Well see 1 I don't have fur but I should be able to stay warm, 2 Like every wolf I would have to shed for winter which would mean I would have to be prepared, forewarned. But no! I was thrust into this frozen tundra and I was freezing. I felt my wrist flashing and I pulled back my sleeve slightly but no message appeared. There was suddenly a rustle and I looked around.

"W-whos th-there?" I called out, hoping that it was one of the boys here to save me

There were several more rustles all around me, as if I was being surrounded. I didn't smell anything which was odd, what or who was out there? There were suddenly red dots covering my body. I raised my hands as figures creeped out of the shadows, they were all armed and had there aim at me. Who else was out here that we didn't know about? The moonlight shone into the clearing and my eyes widened. The figures were Peace Keepers that were slowly inching closer to me. I was trembling not only because I was cold, but because I was scared. I had always been scared of Peace Keepers but my question was,, why are they here? I suddenly felt one grab me from behind and stab something into my neck. I yelped loudly and felt my body go numb. The Keeper let go and I collapsed to the ground, not being able to feel my body at all. They ran out of the clearing leaving me even colder against the snow and completely helpless. If they wanted to kill me, why didn't they just shoot me? Why leave me helpless to freeze and die? Did they want me to suffer and die slowly or something? I felt whatever was injected into my neck pulsate, causing me to feel pain. I whimpered and realized something was growing on my leg. It wasn't a plant like I hoped, it was frost.

I. Was. Frozen



I panicked as I searched the woods. Where had Venus gone?! Did something take her when she stormed out, maybe she was lost! With out the warmth of fire she would die! Okay so technically I just said without me she would die but I DON'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT! I used my hand as a torch as I ran, weaving in between trees and using my senses to detect movement or things on the ground. I heard a yelp come from my left and I stopped in my tracks. That had to be Venus! I began to ran that way when I saw a light pick several things up like a tractor beam. Hopefully they hadn't taken Venus! I continued to run and began to slow down when I spotted a clearing. I stepped over some brush and my eyes widened. There on the floor whimpering and clutching her neck was Venus, frost slowly growing up he leg. I ran forward and threw myself to her side.

"Venus Venus, hey its okay, its only me" I said as she tried to move but for some odd reason, couldn't

My body immediately heated up and I used my flames to defrost her leg. One that was done she still couldn't move, yet she was able to continue and clutch her neck and whimper. I picked her up bridal style and I could feel her warm up with my touch.

"You okay?" I asked her for she wouldn't move her legs or just her head and never her mouth.

She shook her head and I knew I had to get back to the shelter of the Igloo to take a better look at her for injuries. I followed my instinct and I eventually made it back to the clearing. I got her through the opening and I set her down on a blanket the care package had brought. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her hand tightened around her neck.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? Let me see" I said removing her hand from her neck

There was a huge red mark on her neck, a brand of the council imprinted into her skin. She whimpered when I touched it and I immediately pulled my hand away.

"Sorry" I whispered with a nervous smile

She suddenly moved her leg and her uneasy breathing went back to normal. She jolted up and hugged me.

"Woah hey" I said caught off guard at her sudden movement

"Mmm I'm cold" she said hugging tighter

I hugged her back tightly and stroked her hair.

"Don't ever get lost like that again" I whispered into her ear causing her to laugh

"Okay" she whispered back still laughing

"Why are you laughing?" I asked with a chuckle

"Usually people just talk into my ear and it hurts my hearing but you whispered and it tickles" she giggled, cuddling up into my arms and resting her head on my chest

I laughed and we sat there in silence for several seconds and watching the cackling fire. I stroked her hair which made her smile, I guess canines enjoy being pet a lot.

"How DID you get lost?" I asked suddenly looking down into her hazel eyes

I realized they had slightly darkened since the last time I looked into them which was like earlier today. I guess her eyes change color sometimes I don't know. She sighed and shrugged

"I uh was being an idiot and not looking where I was going and when I looked around I was in the middle of no where, didn't know wither to go North, South, East, or West and my footprints were covered up. So I was completely lost" she said scratching her head

"What were you thinking about that got you so caught up making you get lost?" I asked, making her shift and making her look nervous

"Um, how bad it would be to loose you" she said

I smiled and kissed her forehead. I hugged her and brought her close to me.

"You'll never loose me" I said petting her hair again which caused a new smile to grow on her face

"Oh, Jacobs here" she said without opening her eyes

Jacobs head popped in as he came through the opening of the igloo. He came in and saw Venus in my arms, her eyes closed so I guess he thought she was sleeping.

"Why didn't you call out when you found her?" he asked crossing is arms

"Because she was practically frozen over and I had to warm her before she froze to death?" I said in a 'duh' tone

He rolled his eyes and sat on the other side of the fire, not taking his eyes off of Venus. His facial expression grew grim when Venus snuggled up against me and smiled. I laughed slightly because I knew she was awake, I think she's just trying to bug Jacob. He leaned back and rested his head on a pack he had brought in, I guess they sent in a care package or something. HE closed his eyes and I looked down on Venus who had opened hers and started laughing.

"Shawn?" she asked as I combed her hair with my fingers

"Hmm?" I said in response

"Can you sing for me again?" she asked, actually closing her eyes and meaning to sleep

"Of course love" I said in a low voice

"Sing the first one," she began interrupted by a yawn

"The one with Stitches" she said in a sleepy voice

I chuckled lightly at what she had named the song. Stitches huh?

"Alright" I said starting to hum

After a few seconds of softly singing, she fell asleep, her light snores vibrating through my chest. I kissed her forehead and closed my own eyes as I held Venus tight to me. She was mine, all mine....

Invisible (S.M.) ✔Where stories live. Discover now