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I had heard everything Venus and Jacob were talking about, that's when I realized I was being a jerk. It wasn't Venus's fault that all of this was happening, it was just the way it turned out. Us being experiments was what gave birth to us and without it, we'd probably not have been together. Yes Jacob played a small part in this whole issue and I really did despise him but after he tried to comfort Venus, telling her it was his fault and confessing what he did was wrong, I forgave him. I mean I don't know about Venus but she's Venus. It took me awhile of tossing and turning in bed before I came to a resolution. I had to enjoy Venus as much as I could during this time together, we had to make up at some point and we both weren't going to get any sleep without each other. I got up and opened my door softly, not wanting to wake Jacob up and creeped over to Venus's room and opened her door. I saw Venus lying on her bed with what looked like multiple blankets stacked on top of her, she must be cold. I stepped towards her bed, eager to have her in my arms again. I take off the extra blankets and I feel her suddenly shudder. I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms around her, making her feel warm automatically.

"Sh-shawn?" she suddenly stuttered completely caught of guard which also made me want to laugh

But then it made me think of why she was so surprised, because I had made her feel bad... I didn't let her speak. I then explained my actions, I loved her way more than I could ever love anyone else. Then she asked me to sing to her... And it made me happy to. I had written a new song, and it was more like written into my brain but whatever. Only after I had sung the first few lyrics her breathing lightened and I heard her snore lightly. I laughed and kissed her forehead, she was beautiful, she was Venus, she was all mine...


I woke up to Venus shifting in my arms. I opened my eyes as she stretched out, yawning and blinking her own eyes.

"Good Morning sunshine" I said which made her smile

"Morning" she responded in a groggy voice

I rolled out of bed and dragged Venus hesitantly along.

"Come on sleepy head, get up" I said yanking her arm

"Noooo I don't wanna" she groaned closing her eyes again and yanking her arm away from me

I rolled my eyes and opened the door to the room. I could see the living room from here and Jacob was sitting on the couch, deep in thought.

"Jacob" I hissed

He looked up and gave me a confused look as I motioned him over. He stood up and cautiously approached the entrance to the room.

"Venus if you don't get up, Jacob and I are going to have to force you" I said out loud, not turning around

"I don't care" Venus said back

"Well it seems like you two have made up" Jacob whispered

I nodded and motioned him to help. We both reentered the room and approached the bed, Venus's face buried into the pillow.

"Were gonna give you one last chance" Jacob said crossing his arms

Venus didn't react so we took that s another 'I don't care'. I grabbed her arms and Jacob grabbed her legs and together we lifted Venus up and off the bed.

"Guysss" she groaned again

We brought her to the couch and sat her down on it. Her face was against the couch until she suddenly sat up and looked around.

'Where are your dogs? I smell em but I don't see em" she said looking around

Jacob walked to the glass door and opened it. Immediately two huskies ran in and jumped onto the couch.

Invisible (S.M.) ✔Where stories live. Discover now