The Appocalypse-Chapter 5-The Loss

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  • Dedicated to Chandler Price

I turned to see three people running-a man with a chainsaw, a woman wit a sword, and another guy with a lot of pads on. They all looked to be in their 30's, except the guy with the pads. He looked about 19. Quad was up but hurt. They had jumped on me.

I couldn't hear, my vision was blurred. Chandler was shooting the zombies on me, whil the other guys were helping Quad. The last thing I saw was a zombie come up and hit chandler out cold. Then I passed out. I dreamed about my mom, and my brother, my dad, and my grandpa. They were all together, happy.

My mom and dad looked at me and told me I'd do great things for the world right now. Then my grandpa turned and said,"wake up, Alan, it's time you did something in your life." and I thought, what's that supposed to mean? Then I woke up to all 4 people standing over me.

"What happened? Where's Chandler?" I said. Quad just looked at me and shook his head. "I'm sorry Alan, but Chandler didn't make it this time." It took me a minute to digest those words, and accept that chandler died saving me. I just shut my eyes and thought of all the good times we had had before he died, killing all those zombies.

I cried. He was my best friend ever. Like a brother that I could always lean on for help. All I could think is that he's in a better place now.

To Be Continued

Ps chandler is a real person, and that's how I would really feel if he died. I (Alan) and chandler are real people. No one else is real. (as I know) PLEASE COMMENT

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