why do you always save me

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Red hood walked into the dimly lit room. Yet another villen claimed to have killed his best friend/boyfriend. Why is it so dark? Red hood thought to him self. Villens today. Why can't they just said they want to kill you with out being so fricking annoying. The lights suddenly turned on. "Well, well, well looks like I got the friend to. Hahahahahahahaha." a laugh that could only mean one thing. THE JOKER. "Let him go joker." red hood said walking forwards. "No I don't think I will." another annoying fit of laughter. And with that red hood was trapped in a bult proof glass box. "Why, must you insult me joker you think I'm stupid enough to let you trap me." with that the box was broken. And jokers minons were after red hood. "Why do you make this so easy joker. They are litterly dum and dumer." he knocked them out easily. Then went to punch Joker. " WAIT, I wouldn't do that if I were you." That's when Roy appeared over a tank full of acid. "Well, what are you going to to do take out the bad guy and let your little friend die or let me go and save him." he said with a smirk. Jason let go of the joker and saved Roy.

Roy and Jason were back home now. "WHY DID YOU LET HIM GO JAY." Roy screamed at Jason. "I didn't let him go Roy." Jason said calmly. "YES YOU DID." Roy tryed to agrue. "No I didn't Roy I SAVED YOUR LIFE!" Jason was getting mad now and Roy was scared. Last time Jason got mad he put a guy in the hospital for 6 months. "Then why did you save me Jason you gave ignored me for weeks so what's going on inside you head." Roy said. With that Jason kissed him. "Oh, that's why." Roy said while blushing.

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