Chapter 9

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~Rayne's Pov~
After hours of laying here, trying to figure out what had happened or even if I'm ever going to get out of this place.
I had fallen asleep after all the thinking that I was doing.
When I woke up I wasn't in the old warehouse looking room anymore, I was in my bed mine and Jayden's bed. The thought of being back home seemed too real, was this a realist dream. But before I could continue to freak out that everything was fake, Jayden walked in well more like ran in frantically realizing I was awake. He came to my side, and I forgot about all the fake I though that was happening. When he got close to me he touched my face and when I tried to move in closer to him to feel his arms around me I felt the soreness.

Oh damnit why, why do I have to be sore why do I have to tell Jayden that he isn't going to get to be my one and only.

While I was in the thought processes of all my why's Jayden saw how it hurt me to move and he freaked out.

"Rayne what's wrong, are you okay, do I need to get a doctor!?!?"

I smiled at how worried he was but just shock my head "no dear I'm fine, I j-just I have something I h-have to telll you.." I said this but it just felt like it wouldn't come out like it didn't want to like it shouldn't. When I said this his eyes widened and I could see the curiosity  spike in his mind.
"Well tell me!?" He said a little louder than his normal voice but just below his alpha tone. I jumped in shock at first cause I still wasn't all too sure this was real.
"Well uh I'm not sure how it happened, or when or really I'm not sure about anything but uh Jayden you're you're not going to be able to be my.. Um my my f-fffirst. He raped me but it well it must have been when I was asleep because I don't remember anything" I said this hysterically crying I was so afraid he would not want me anymore, I mean how could he the perfectly special moment he'd been waiting for is ruined because Moon and I decided to mess around. 

But I was shocked when he just looked at me with no emotion at all grabbed me though I felt the pain his sparks were much more noticed, and he hugged me as tightly as he could. During this hug i could sense he was starting to cry but he just whispered in my ear
"I know it wasn't your choice and I know it also wasn't your choice to be taken, no matter how much it hurts me to not be able to make the special first for you I will always love you, and want you forever so don't cry thinking I won't want you or will look at you differently because at this very moment I'm only glad i have you back in my arms."

Jayden's words melted my heart, it probably would look like a puddle of water if you could see it.

Although I knew I needed to respond to him, I had no words all I had was tears that kept streaming down my face, because all I could think about was how much I truly loved this alpha that I got to call my mate, and how lucky I was to have such a sweet understanding person by my side. After I kept crying for a while I finally decided to say "Jayden I love you" 

I said this because I knew he would see through it, knowing what I mean is thank you, and You're my missing piece. After hours of Jayden and I just laying in our bed or my bed as I like to say watching movies and eating junk food pretty much doing whatever to keep both of our minds off of the fact that I had just got back from being kidnapped.

At this point it was like 10:00 pm and I was really tired and Jayden was already pretty much out, every once in a while he'd open his eyes and say something like "I'm awake" or "you still up" just to try and make me think he was awake but I knew the way his head  my on my stomach and how he'd move less and less that he was most definitely almost asleep. A few minutes passed and I decided I was going to turn off the movie and sleep as well so I grabbed the remote and turned off the tv then I whisper a sort of loud whisper and said
"Goodnight babe I love you"
I'm not sure if Jayden wasn't fully asleep of the words woke him but he responded back pretty quickly "you're my heart Rayne, I love you too"
His words for the second time today melted my heart as I smiled laying my head down to rest sleep took over my body quite quickly and I was out like a light bulb.

At about 3:00 Am I started having a dream and it wasn't a good one the vision of me being raped laying there not protesting just sleeping while he had his way with me I wake up screaming in tears and sweating. Right away Jayden sat up from off my lap where he had currently been put since I sat up and put his hand on my shoulder knowing it was nothing good trying to comfort me. He asked what was wrong but I just cried and put my head in his lap Jayden realizing I wasn't going to tell him at the moment lay down on his back moved me to his chest and just rubbed my back and whispered little things like "I'm here for you" and "everything will be fine my dear I'm here now" though those made me feel better and him holding me was the absolute best the  imagines  that were going through my head were too much to bare and crying was all I could do.
When it was around 4:30 I finally calmed down and had fallen asleep and so had Jayden. Though I cried for an hour and a half this time I feel asleep for good and wasn't waking up till next week because of how deprived I felt from a good night sleep in my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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