Chapter 1

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There you were, sitting there, thinking about Lance again. How funny and charming he was. All the others mostly found him annoying, but you never thought the same. 

You always found his jokes and actions funny, you couldn't stay around him without laughing at least once. Every time you were sad you always tried to find where he was so he could cheer you up. Every time you didn't complete a mission correctly, he always made it seem like it wasn't a big deal and encouraged you that you'd get it next time.

 There was nothing you didn't like about him, his tan skin, his charming smile and deep, blue sparkling eyes. Yup, there you go again, dreaming about him, once again. You smiled like the flaunting idiot you are. You could feel your face heat up with a faint blush.

You were distracted from your daydream when Hunk walked in. "Hey, (y/n), wanna help me make a cake? Everyone else is busy." You turned your attention to him. "Yeah, of course!" You said, jumping off of the couch you were sitting on. "Great!" He responded.

You followed him to the kitchen, where he put an apron on. He already had all the ingredients laid out. You looked around, there were all sorts of spices and whatnot. You dipped your finger into one of the ingredients and tested it. 

"Hmmm... sweet." You said. It must have been some sort of sweet fruit that was ground up into some sort of substance that was kinda like peanut butter. Mmmmmm.. you remembered how good peanut butter was and how much you wanted to taste it again. 

Sometimes you really missed home, but other times you found it amazing how many different species of alien you met and what you did to help them.

"Wow, did you really just taste that, without washing your hands...?" Hunk asked. He shook his head and said in a joking tone, "Shame."

You smiled sheepishly before walking over to the sink and washing your hands. "Sorry." You apologized. "It's alright, just make sure to never, ever, do it again." He said jokingly again. You giggled quietly.

After you washed your hands, you turned. "Okay, what first?" You asked. 

Hunk guided you through the steps, and you made conversation while you mixed up the ingredients. At one point, the topic of boys came up. Of course Hunk had to bring it up to try to make you uncomfortable or whatever.

"So? Got a crush? What's his name?" He asked, clearly wanting to get it out of you. "Well...." You replied. "oH, SO YOU DO HAVE A CRUSH." He said loudly.

"Yes, I do." You said, smiling. "Now keep it down." You shushed, hopping up a bit to sit on the counter. Hunk chuckled as he walked over to the oven and put the batter in. 

"So, what's the name??" He asked again, impatiently. "A name." You replied, a small blush spreading across your cheeks. 

"Who is it?" He asked once again. "Is it not plainly obvious?" You asked, surprised. "Nah, it is, I know it's Lance, everyone knows, I just like getting you to be embarrassed about it."

You gave him a slight glare, but he didn't seem to notice. You froze up slightly as you realized what he said. "Wait, everyone knows?" You asked worriedly.

"Oh, wait, everyone but Lance knows." Hunk said quickly. "Didn't mean to alarm you, he's completely oblivious." You exhaled in relief. "Oh thank Quiznak." 

"So, want me to try to hook y'all up?" He asked. You blushed. "N-No thanks, I'd rather do it myself. Thanks for the offer, though." you said said. "Yeah, no problem." he replied.

After a bit Hunk told you that you could go do whatever until the cake was done, so that you could frost it. You walked around the castle, bored.

At one point, you froze as you heard someone calling you, but relaxed as you realized who it was. "Hey, (y/n)!" Lance called. You looked over your shoulder to see him run up to you. 

You smiled as he came into pace with you at your side, you two walking together. Just you two, alone, together. The thought made your stomach fill with butterflies, like it always does, but you never seem to get used to it.

"Wanna play a game?" He asked after a while, breaking the awkward silence. "Sure!" You replied, happy to do anything with him.

"Tag!" He shouted, shoving you a slight bit on the shoulder before taking off. It wasn't enough to make you stumble, but you nearly did.

You smirked. Oh, it was on. You dashed after him, running nearly at full speed. You caught up to him quickly, being small and agile was an amazing advantage. 

After a minute or two, you caught up to him fully, shoving him lightly on the back to make him stumble forwards before you made a sharp u-turn, looking over your shoulder to shout "Tag!"

He stumbled to a halt before following you. You could hear him running behind you, along with both of your laughs. You turned it up to a sprint, outrunning him easily. 

You stopped after turning a corner, hiding behind one of the half-pillars that grew out of the wall. You waited until you heard breaths and footsteps coming down the hall.

You held your breath and tried not to laugh as he passed you. Your plan worked. Once he was about to turn the corner, you stepped out. 

"Over here, dummy!" You yelled before turning and running. You went left down a fork in one of the hallways before hiding behind another one of the half-pillars.

You heard Lance approaching, before coming to the fork. He groaned in frustration before you stepped out and put your thumbs up to your ears, fanning your hands out. "PFFFFBFBFBBFBFBBFBTTT" You stuck your tongue out before running. 

"Get back here!" He laughed before chasing you. You let him catch up to you right before coming to a turn with two ways, and taking a sharp turn right. Lance didn't expect that and tried to skid to a halt before slamming into the wall.

You laughed as he groaned in a bit of harmless pain. "Oh come on! I almost had you!" He yelled, clearly a bit mad.

You turned and stopped, catching your breath. "Aha!" Lance exclaimed, taking the bait. He came running at you.

Right at the last minute you smiled, running at him and sliding past him. "Hu??" He said, confused.

You kept running, increasing the distance between you and Lance. After a while, you were getting tired. You're pretty sure you lost him, so you slowed down and decided to go to the room where you usually chill out, where it had the little indent in the floor with the couches in it. 

You took a seat, catching your breath. After a little while, Lance came running through the room but didn't notice you until you said "Looking for someone?" jokingly but in a serious tone. 

He glared at you. "Hey! You tricked me!" He yelled. You smiled innocently. "How, exactly?" You asked.

He rolled his eyes, smiling. He came and sat down next to you, leaning back, crossing his legs and putting his arms behind his head.

His chest rose up and down as he tried to catch his breath. You were still a bit winded, too. You debated on whether you should tell him about your crush or not, I mean, nobody was around.

Hunk walked in. "(Y/n), the cake's done." He said. "Cake?" Lance asked. "Yeah, (y/n) helped make it. We need a tester, you in?" Hunk asked. "Well of course! Who doesn't want free cake?" Lance replied.

You all walked to the kitchen, and on the way there, Lance complimented you. "You play a mean game of tag." He said. "Well thanks, you're pretty wimpy at it." You replied. "HEY!" He shouted, you laughed.

Once you entered the kitchen, Hunk asked what color of icing you wanted. Of course you replied with your (f/c). You decorated it however you wanted to, after all, Hunk let you, and you did make the cake.

Once you finished, you handed it to Lance. He took a slice. "mmmm... thif if, amafing!" He said, his mouth full of cake. You laughed as he stuffed more into his mouth. Hunk and you both took a piece, sitting there eating.


Ah, I hoped you guys liked that as a first chapter! If you guys have ideas for future chapters, don't be afraid to tell me!


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