Chapter 2

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You happily walked down the hallway with a pep in your step. Today was one of those days where the gang all sat down and watched a movie, but that wasn't until later into the day.

As you were walking down the hallway and to the kitchen to get a snack, you passed Lance. He was in charge of the movie picking tonight, so you wondered what he would choose. "Hey, Lance, what movie did you pick?" You asked, stopping him.

"I can't tell you, it's a secret." He replied in a certain mocking tone. You pouted in frustration, and he smiled slightly at your reaction. "Oh come on, Lance, why won't you tell me?" You asked. "It's a secret." He replied.

You groaned before walking off. You really wanted to know what the movie was, but you knew you couldn't get it out of him that easily.



(Y/n) walked away from me. Heh, my plan was working. I kept walking down the hallway, thinking of which horror movie to pick. I wanted it to be scary, but not too scary. It would be able to scare everyone else, and maybe get the princess to cuddle up to me.

Or maybe (y/n), nah, she wouldn't do that, would she? I shrugged before walking off and to the movies to choose. I looked through them before finally choosing, this one was gonna be good.



You walked off for a bit before doubling back and following Lance. You tried to follow him to see where he was going and if he chose a movie or not. You saw him go into the main room where you watched the movies, and look through them.

You knew you couldn't get close enough to him to see what the movie was without getting caught, but you tried anyways. You walked up behind him slowly, but before you got nearly halfway across the room, he stood up, and turned around.

He saw you before yelling "Hey!" and dropping the movie to chase you. You ran, trying not to giggle. "You're not allowed to peek!" He said, following you as you turned and tried to shake him off.

You made a circle back to the room, and by the time you got there, he was far enough behind so that you could see the movie. You entered the room before stopping, you had to catch your breath.

Shiro walked in. "Have you seen Keith? We were supposed to be training all day." he asked. "Wait, all day?" You asked back.

"Yeah, oh, wait, were we doing movie night tonight? We can reschedule, then." You shook your head slightly. "Nah, you go ahead and train, we'll be fine.
"Alright, if it's fine with you."

"Mhm, and no, I haven't seen him around, sorry. I'll let you know if I see him, though." You said as he walked out of the room.

You walked over to the movie that was dropped onto the floor before you were tackled. "AHA!" Lance yelled as he fell on top of you. You rolled over onto your back and looked up at him.

You blushed, he was smiling down at you and panting heavily. You swear Lance's eyes softened as you guys sat there for a moment before Lance got up. You frowned in protest, but did nothing to stop him.

"No peeking, you know this!" he scolded as he picked up the movie. "At least tell me what genre!" You shoued back. "Fine, it's horror." "Horror?? I hate horror!" You shouted back with a bit of a whine in your voice.

He chuckled. "Yup, horror." He nodded. You got up and walked off. You glanced back as you walked out of the room to see Lance with a slight frown on his face, watching you walk out of the room.

You decided to go to Hunk and talk to him. On the way, you were stopped by Allura. "Ah, (y/n)!" She said from behind you. You turned. "Yeah?"

"Coran and I are going to be working on some of the castle for the rest of the day, and won't be able to make it to the movie, I'm sorry." She apologized.

"It's alright!" You replied. As long as not too many people bailed, you were fine with it. You still had Pidge and Hunk.

"Alright, thank you." Allura said before walking off. You continued your search for Hunk.

Hunk was nowhere to be found. His lion was there, but he wasn't anywhere in the castle. You shrugged, he would show, he never misses movie night.

The only person left to talk to was Pidge, so you decided to make your way to their room. You found Pidge doing whatever on their computer, as always. You leaned against the table next to them.

"Ey, Pidge." You said. "Hey." They replied, not looking up from their computer. "You gonna come watch the movie tonight? I found out that it was horror." You asked.

"No, I'm sorry, I have to de-code this. I hope you understand." They said in a rushed tone, still not looking up from their computer. "Awh, okay." You replied in a bit of dissapointment. "You're welcome anytime." You said as you walked out.

You stayed in your room for most of the rest of the day before someone knocked on your door. You got up to get it and opened the door to Lance. He smiled. "Ready for the movie?" He asked in an almost taunting tone.

You sighed before following him to the room, sitting down on the couch right next to him. He looked around. "Hey, where's everyone else?" He asked in a confused tone. "They all had something to do." You replied. "Although Hunk is nowhere to be found."

"Hm." He responded. He then got up to turn the lights off before walking back over and sitting down next to you. You were curious as to what Lance was going to do. Whenever anything scary happened, the best thing for you to do to calm yourself down was to hug the nearest person or thing, and that was Lance. You blushed slightly at the thought.

The movie started, of course it had to be some movie that you didn't know about. It was about an old paladin that landed on a remote planet, and everything was turned against it.

You two sat, the movie getting more intense as it progressed. There was that really akward tention there, and both of you knew it, and tried to ignore it.

All of a sudden, there was a scary part. You tried not to scream as you leaned over and grabbed onto Lance's arm. He looked down at you before laughing a bit. "Someone's scared." He said, also clearly scared.

You rolled your eyes. "You are, too." You said, backing away a bit so not all of your weight would be on him. You didn't wanna move your arm, though.

Throughout the movie, you kept getting more scared and scared, and by the end of the movie, you had your arms wrapped around his waist, and one of his arms over your shoulder, but you hadn't realized it until the movie ended.

You sat up. You felt that your face was warm from blushing. You glanced at Lance to see that he was blushing, too.

"..I can put on another movie, if you want." He asked. "Sure." You replied. He got up and put a comedy movie on.

It was already kinda late, and you were getting tired. The last thing you remembered as you drifted into sleep was you glancing up at Lance as you leaned against him.

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