Chapter 4

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Short authors note before we start,
Please comment more, guys! I love reading them. Especially the really random ones!


Irene quickly makes her way out of the laboratory, pulling off her lab coat and hanging the white thing on the hooks by the door. She speed walks away from the building, clutching on to her stomach and her other hand covering her mouth.

The experiment went horrible (well, it was successful but the sight of dead rodents around the room when you were necrophobic made Irene jump and terrified for her life). Once she managed to escape the confines of the building, she pulls out her phone, wondering if the Wendy was still out and about (highly unlikely when it’s already dark, but hey, she’s a college student so there was still a chance).

Just as she was about press the call button, she feels two hands land on her shoulder. She was about to let out a scream but was stopped when the person’s hands move to cover her mouth and her eyes. She closes her eyes tighter when she feels the stranger pull her closer.

Irene could feel her legs shaking. Never had she been so terrified in her life. She holds her breath trying to calm herself down. She almost chokes when she feels the person slowly start walking backwards. To shocked to wriggle her way out of the persons hold, her legs start moving along with the person.

What’s happening?’ she asks herself, still too shocked to process what had happened.

She feels the person stop and slowly puts down the hand that was covering Irene’s mouth.  Instead of also putting down the hand that was covering the girl’s eyes, the hand that had freed Irene’s mouth is now tightly wrapped around her waist.

Then, suddenly, Irene is spun around, her back landing on a wall behind her. Too terrified to open her eyes, purple haired keep them closed.

She senses the person’s hands beside each side of her head. She starts pushing herself back against the wall when the person comes closer, their breaths meeting in the middle.

This can’t be happening’ she freezes when she could feel the tip of the person’s nose touch her own. The person sighs and Irene is having a mental breakdown, thinking of every possible outcome that can happen in such a situation.

She halts her thoughts when she realizes the person cornering her has done nothing but stand there for thirty seconds. Irene slowly creaks open an eye and sees a dash brown hair in her vision. Her eyes shoot open when she realizes her perpetrator.

She finds Wendy smiling at her giddily. Realizing the position she was in, Irene begins to shrink, a dark red engulfing her face and neck entirely.

“Did I scare you?”  Wendy says playfully, her smile not faltering even a tad bit.

Irene could feel the girl’s breath ghost over her face, only causing her face to turn redder.

Irene doesn’t reply, instead, she ducks her head, not sure what to do when you’re in a situation where your crush has you pinned to the wall.

“Y-yes,” she whimpers, her head hung low, “You almost gave me a heart attack”

Wendy smiles, and drops her arms to her side, Irene releasing a relieved sigh. But her breath hitches when she feel the brunette her hand around her own, dragging her away from the wall.

“W-where are you taking me?” Irene stutters as she looks at their connected hands. Irene was never one for skinship (unless it had to do with butts) so when the brunette held her hand, it very much took Irene by surprise.

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