A Night Of Desire

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She watches him, Raman, her husband, once again, lying on his back on their bed.

His eyes are closed and his face soft; he's still dressed in the black outfit from earlier in the evening and looks relaxed finally after their long, tiring day.

He had lain on his back a couple of minutes back, after their conversation and she thinks he's fallen asleep finally.

Getting up from the bed, she switches off the lights of their room but doesn't have the heart to blow out the candles lit around their room. Looking at her husband in the dim glow the candles provide she can't help the smile that spreads across her face. Lying beside him, head supported by her palm, her elbow perched on the mattress she looks at him as if he's the only thing that matters in this world to her.

Her mind travels back to their marriage ceremony earlier today, the rituals that once again bounded her to him. A shiver coursing through her as she recalls him filling her partition with vermillion and making her wear the thaali, claiming her all over again. Though it was a mere formality, to renew their vows today, she feels happier than she has been in ages. To be his wife again, to have him as her husband again; she hadn't imagined it would ever be possible, but it happened...their love defied the odds, they are together once again.

Unable to help herself, she cards the fingers of her free hand through his hair, softly running them over his face and leaning into him, softly whispers,

"Good night hubby."

A smile on her face, she touches her lips to his in the softest of kisses and moves away to get up from the bed, only to find her hand pulled back with a tug that makes her lose her balance. He pulls her when her back is to him and she's almost on her feet owing to which she finds herself landing over her husband, the wind knocked out of her momentarily.


She utters his name, annoyed and surprised.

Not allowing her to retaliate, his arms band around her waist while he turns them over and straddles her, a triumphant smile on his face, a twinkle in his eyes as he looks at her, his hands on either sides of her head and cages her in, asking her,

"And where do you think you were going, on our wedding night, wife?"

"I thought you fell asleep."

She tells him somberly.

"On our wedding night, what do you take me for huh?"

"Hmmm, let's see...a tired, old man."

She answers impishly.

Eyes narrowed, he looks peeved enunciating slowly and softly a reply to his wife,

"Tired and old huh, really, is that what you think of me now? Oh, you are so going to regret this Mrs. Ishita Raman Bhalla. I would show you what I am now. I am going to make you pay."

"Maybe I am counting on it."

She tells him crossing her arms behind his head as she pulls him in.

Their lips meet and their tongues slip into each other's mouths as the sound of their moans resonates in the quiet of the room.

Her hands roam over him, fingers gliding through his hair, nails digging into his nape, palms moving over the broad expanse of his back and finally over his ass as she cups him and squeezes the taut muscles of his buttocks, making him groan into the kiss.

His mouth releases hers only for his lips to kiss the hollow of her neck, her cheeks, the shell of her ear, her jaw line, her eyes and come back to her lips. His hand cupping her face, roaming the curves of her body at the same time, while she is equally unsteady as her hands pull out his shirt tucked into his pants and unbuckle him, removing his belt and casually throw it on the floor.

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