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              THE MOVE

The beginning of a story like this always start off with Once Upon A Time. Well this story is nothing like that, this story does not have any mythical creatures or princes and princesses. Well enough with telling you all this let me start the story, well my story. Hi, I am Starla. I'm 16 and I am about to finish the 10th grade. It is April, never knew that everything would change very quickly like this. Well let me get to the point. My parents passed away 3 months ago. It was snowy and foggy that night. It was very unexpected and I was so upset and pissed off at the world. I don't know but I lost my bestfriends that day. I was sent to an orphanage on the otherside of town, I couldn't  handle living in the house and city my parents  grew up in. Everything I seen every day reminded me about that day. I used to live in Michigan until the day Christian and Christina came in my life. I moved all the way across America. CC's, so I call them, lived in a shack right on the coast of Miami beach. It was a beautiful home and I was grateful for them. They were there for me. When I arrived to the shack, home thing my room was already decorated and it was what I have always dreamed of my room to be. It was an old sixties theme wallpaper and had a bed with vanity hanging from the hinges. The bed looked like it was designed for a princess, the comforter was a perfect glossy plum color with confetti like strings all over it. The whole room looked like it was made just for me. I went to the closet to see what kind of clothes there was. The clothes had so much in common they all were D.C. Comics shirts. They either had super heroes on them or some type of Disney character.  Most of the jeans were dark blue denim. They were either tight, skinny, or bell bottoms. There was mostly converse high tops and vans of all design and colors. I felt like I was in shoe heaven. I was so surprised by how much CC's new about me. Many questions tho popped in my head like ( How'd they know what size I worn, How'd they know what I liked, How'd they know I needed clothes, and my main one Why did they get it before I came?). Right now these questions don't mean anything. I had a nice home to sleep, my own bed, nice clothes, and people who care for me. Everything was starting to feel like it did three months ago.


It was morning I knew that because I could see the sun beaming through a crack in my closed eyes. I hear footsteps coming from the hall, then there is a slight tap tap on my door, " Starla are you up yet?" " Come on in Christina." Christina opens up the door and shyly whispers "Good morning sweetheart, how was your night sleep? Hope you were comfortable and cozy." "Oh thank you Christina it was nice.. I love the room..... ugh... it fits me very well." I stutter. She shakes her head and smiles lightly then walks over to the closet. She starts to pull out clothes and take them off the hangers. "What... what are you doing?" I yelp. Startled she jumps and turns to me and laughs " Oh sweetheart I didn't know you like these clothes. These were one of the girls we helped clothes. She never wore them but I didn't think you would want them. Did you want them?" "Um I really like those clothes.... I have always wanted most of the stuff in here... I was curios kind of why they were in there without knowing what I liked." I couragesly spoke up. " Oh well me and Chris were going to take you shopping after school today if you didn't mind." She said very sweetly. " School... Oh um....  shopping would be fine." I stutter. Christina then smiles and puts the clothes back on the hangers and makes room for more in closet. Then she tells me to get dressed and breakfast is downstairs and that today I will be a car rider so I can get checked in at Briggs Dale Junior High. She leaves and I pick out a shirt with the avengers and some skinny jeans with blue converse. Then I head to the kitchen where I already have a plate with bacon, toast, and scrambled eggs on it. After I get done eating Christina hands me a bookbag with binders, pencils, crayons and markers, and folders. The bookbag was faded black and red stripes and had a scratchy look in the texture. It was a cool bag and I thanked her then we hopped in the car. She cranked it and pulled out of the driveway towards the school I just looked out the window. Surprisingly most of the shaks were bigger than I thought they would be. It shocked me.

      1st DAY.... WORST DAY?

When she pulled into the entrance of the school I was kinda of nervous. I haven't been to a public school with people my age in a long time. The school was three stories tall and forty-five buses long. When we opened the door we stepped right in the office. Mrs. Cozma read on a sign beside a closed door. There was a big opening in the wall and two lady's were standing in front of computers. One of the lady's had a brownish-gray Afro and the other had long blonde hair. They both looked like they were in their late fortys to early fifty's. Blondies name was Ms. Greta and the Afro lady was Mrs. Burns. Ms. Greta asked Christina if I was Starla . Christina shook her head and walked off to the front desk. "Hi dear, welcome to Briggs Dale Junior High." Mrs. Burns said in a quirky old lady voice. "Hell........hell....hello." there I go again with the stuttering. Mrs. Greta pulls up my files and roster while Christina checks me in. I look around for awhile and spot him. My insides turn upside down and my heart starts pumping and beating faster. I think I might have a heart attack. I fall out of that  thought when Christina taps me on the shoulders and hands me a schedule. Then I say goodbye and depart from them. As I'm looking for Miss. Forte room I slam right into him. His eyes stare right into mine. They are bright ocean blue just like i remember. He has pitch black hair and a surfer boy tan. I try to get out of this trance but he is pulling me in.

" My bad, are you okay?" His voice is so raspy but sounds like a choir of angels, very beautiful.

" Ughh.... ughh..... um.... it's not your....your fault, I'm sorry i was looking for my class." I just made a fool of myself. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

" No, no, no, no, no just say i forgive you, haha" He laughs. Oh how beutiful, snap out of it Starla.

" Do you need help to find your class? Here let me see you schedule " He reaches for my schedule and I let him see it.

"Oh we have all our classes together so you might as well get use to seeing me all the time, haha im just playing with you, but seriously I'll show you where to go just follow me." He leads the way and I follow him.

" Your name is Starla right?"

" Yea how did you know?" Does he really remember me. Oh. Here goes the turning in my stomach again.

" Oh you dont have to get all offensive I'm not a stalker haha, it says it on your schedule. It's a really pretty name, now that i know yours you should know mine, its..."

"Oli..... Oliver right?" Why did I just say that now he is going to think I'm the stalker.

" Um... yeah I'm guessing you can see the future haha, no but seriously how'd you know?"

" Lucky guess..." I just had to come up with somthing quick maybe he will just not think anymore about this, he doesnt even remember who I am so why should he care how I know who he is. Starla he is going to wanna know because he might think your a stalker or something. My subconscious throws in to this disastrous first day.

" Oh, ok yeah, sure."

"What does that mean?" I feel offended maybe I shouldn't but I do. I feel alone to, he doesn't know who I am. I'm that forgettable, I'm invisible.

" Hey I didnt mean it by anyway, why are you angry?" He spoke

"Im not... I just... I..."

"Look its im sorry i raised my voice. Anyways you look familiar anyway so we have probably met and that is how you know my name. To be honest it is hard to forget a face like this." He teased, well you have know idea. I was thinking in my head.

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