Chapter 4 - The Untamable Squad

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Next time, I promise that I'm not gonna let her run away. As soon as I reached home I searched the black hoodie...And I found nothing but a bubble gum rapper. helpful, I crushed it and shoved it back into her pocket.

I searched again praying to find something helpful and this time my prayers got accepted and I found her intials written at the back where the brand and size tag are attached, it said R.D. Now that's something.

I also found out it was bought from Splash in San Francisco, California, and I know exactly one person who purchases thier clothes in Splash and lives in San Francisco, Austin. I googled it and found out it's a pretty expensive jacket. I don't know where I got this crazy feeling that Austin has something to do with it.

Austin is my one and only older annoyingly loving brother, He lives in California and goes to Stanford University. But if I told him about my doppelganger he'd only get more suspicious and would wanna know more, which I'm soo totally not okay with so I have to find another way.

And if I refuse to tell him more.... well, let's just say he has a hard time controlling his temper, the last thing I want now is my window broken.

Back when I was in eighth grade, I hid his fancy wand under my bed which he was obsessed with ever since he was thirteen, he told me he got it from 'Harry Potter fantasy world'. Likely story but I didn't question him.

He tried to ask me nicely but failed, I asked him to say please in a mouse voice like 'pvveeezz' and he refused, he got so mad but I'm not a quitter so all I asked was that one word and he wouldn't give me that, so I wouldn't give him his wand.

He got even madder and chased me all the way upstairs to my room like a mad man and once again asked me to return it without saying the magic word, so I obviously refused, like I said I'm pretty stubborn and annoying, and he got super mad, I mean you should have seen his burning red face, I could literally see smoke coming out of his ears and out of nowhere my window bursted, I have no idea how it crashed, it was like Austin's temper punched it into pieces.

Without any explanation, Austin finally found his wand under my bed. I asked him what did he do to my window but he shrugged it off and replied "Nothing, looks like the window hates you even more than I hate you myself for hiding my wand" and he just walked away like it's a normal thing.

And the funny thing is that mom didn't even scold him when I complained that he broke my window, she didn't even bother to ask him and reason it out nor did she even believe me In the first place, she thought its the wind, I mean how stupid is that.

And that wasn't the first time Austin exploded things, I also remember other things bursting without explanation and somehow Austin involved but I can't seem to remember Why? or How? or What?

You see, many funny things happened to me in life and just left unexplained...I never gave a shit but Mr.Life is getting out of hand and I'm sick of his unexplained situations. The doppelganger thing is starting to mess with my head and now I need some serious answers. I couldn't accept my doppelganger as one of those funny things, this is something much bigger.

Austin should have some funny answers, besides it's been quite a while since I've talked to him and I'm starting to miss that idiot aside from the fact he's my overprotective brother who goes around exploding things, he was also like my bestfriend who could read my mind, he's the one who I turn to tell things that I can't share with my Mom like all those pranks I pulled on teachers and drove them crazy for desperate answers, he was the only one who adored me for the scamp I was as a kid.

Like the time when I fixed a few pointy thumb pins on our science teacher's chair, who just happen to sit on it without a second glance, the next thing I know was the shrilling howl of a werewolf that vibrated the neighboring continents. Her face was twisted with embarrassment and anger, it was somewhere between red and green. We all tried so hard not to gush out the laughter building up inside us but that was impossible.

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