Chapter 1

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Yummiko's POV

Today's the first day. First day of a normal life. Hopefully. Lumie says I'm very intelligent and I have a lot of potential. But I think she's just trying to give me self confidence,and, to be honest, it's working. My name is Yummiko Asterall, I am going to a boarding school in the middle of a Forest in Finland. Diamond Field Academy to be exact. A pretty fancy name if you asked me. My current guardian, Lumie, says that the human world will be a great change of scenery for me. Currently I am a resident of an unknown dimension, the only thing that seems to exist in the dimension is the Council of Gods. Which is whom I'm staying with. No, I'm not a member of the Council, I'm too young and inexperienced. I'm human as well, but that didn't stop any previous members. But that would be one of my life goals.

Lumie is a member of the Council of the gods, and she's one of the most sweetest people that I've ever met. Along with the other council members, Momo, Rayolu, Shida, and a few that I don't have the position of meeting. They all treat me with great respect and love. And that's all I've really ever wanted. My past and how I've ended up with the Council, I'd rather not mention that now... I was a mix between emotional, and scared to go to the human world. I haven't been to the human world in so long. The portal was right in front of me. My luggage was all packed and I was saying my goodbyes to the Council members. Momo told me to call her up if I ever needed any help on assignments or homework. I gave Lumie a hug goodbye, my soft pink eyes were clouded by my tears.


I stepped out of a yellow car and in front of me was a huge stone building. I gazed up in awe at it, there were so many windows, and the courtyard was huge! I heard a noise behind me and I turned around. A taxi was driving away. Smart. Making it look like i traveled here by taxi. Real smart Lumie. I could get back to the Council, I had the directions on a piece of paper in a pocket of my jacket. I walked in, and the people in charge filled me in. Some of them helped me with my luggage, to my dorm, which apparently, was in a whole nother building beside the school itself. The dorm was huge! Lumie must've spent a fortune on all of this! The person carrying my bags dumped them on the floor, and walked out.

Well, that was rude. There not that heavy... ok, maybe I overpacked, but thank the gods they didn't check my luggage. I heard footsteps in the dorm. Some girl with scarlet red hair and brown eyes walked in. She looked about my age. I didn't realize I was sharing a dorm. She must've been thinking the same thing as I was. She had the same expression as I did on her face. She had on a dark grey jacket and a grey tank top underneath. She was wearing black short shorts and she had black rimmed glasses set on the edge of her nose. She had a soda can in her hand. She looked me up and down,

"You must be Yummiko." She said. Her voice was emotionless. I like her already. I nodded,

"Indeed I am." I said, bowing. She looked at me in confusion,

"Are you middle eastern or what?" She asked. I stood there, a bit jaded,

"E-excuse me?" I asked.

"You don't have to bow to me. I'm not your boss or anything." She said, walking towards me. "But, if you need any favors, just let me know..." she whispered creepily in my ear. O...K. She walked into the kitchen and pulled out something from the fridge.

"Also, the name's Marine." She called to me. That's a pretty name.

I walked to my room and unpacked. I had my own room, well, that's nothing new. I brung a few clothes with me, but that's not why I have so my luggage. I began to set up my room. I hung up shelves and hooks that would hold my weapons. I had to wear a uniform, that was ok. It looked cute on me. The black coat looked good in contrast to my white hair and pale skin. I put up my hair in a ponytail and began to work on my room. Half of the room was covered with posters and pictures of me and my friends from the council. The other half looked like something out of a weapon forgery. I set up my bed with my sheets from the council.

I stood back and looked at my room. When I walked in there was a huge wardrobe to my left going from the door frame to the wall. In front of me was my newly set up bed. On the wall opposite of the door, a huge window with teared drapes was placed in the center of the wall. On the left wall was a desk, then every weapon I've ever collected over my years. Yes I collect and use weapon. You never know what you'll expect in the human world. Apparently my school day started in about an hour, so I got dressed, the uniform was a bit small, but I didn't mind. I clipped my hair up into a messy bun with my favorite huge pink bow. I gathered my books into a black leather messenger bag that Momo made for me, and very well might I add.

The school day was about to start. I wonder how Marine was going to get ready for the day. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked down the hallway and into the huge living room. Marine was sitting on the couch, already in her uniform, and she was on her phone. I gaped a her, she looked at me. She smiled,

"Nice. The uniform actually looks good on some people. And you're on of them." She said. She stood up, and grabbed a brown bag that was torn up off of the end table. She walked towards me.

"Come on, I'll help you with your classes." She said. She began to head for the door, I awkwardly followed her. She opened the door, and waited for me to catch up with her.

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