Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 1,

--Aelita's POV--


"Night Aelita." Jeremy says, smiling at me.

"Night Jeremy." I say as I shut my door. I head over to my dresser drawer and pull out my pjs. I then proceed to put them on and get into bed. I pull up my blanket to cover my body and quickly fall asleep.

"Aelita. Hey, Aelita." I hear someone say. I then notice that I'm not in my bed anymore. I'm at the factory, how did I get here? "Aelita, darling." I hear the voice again.

I turn around and see my mother. "Mom, is that you." I say walking closer to her.

"Yes, Aelita. I need to tell you something important." She's inches away from me now.

"Yes, mom." I say, looking up at her face.

"Be waiting for the five." She says and then she blinks. Suddenly she's got ahold of my neck and starts choking me. I look at her eyes and I scream when I see the Xana symbol pulsing in her pupils.

"What is going on in here?" Someone yells brining me out my trance-like state.

I set up and I'm in my bed again. I look up and Sissi is standing at my door with an angry look on her face. The perks of having her as my neighbor, but I guess she got me out of me weird dream.

"Could you please, be quiet for one night?" She groans and stomps out of my room, slamming the door behind her.

She was right, I have had weird dreams like the one earlier all this week. What is going on? I need to check out the factory tomorrow.


"Jeremy, I want to go to the factory and check something today." I say to the blonde boy.

"Sure we can go during lunch." He replies and then we were joined by Yumi, Ulrich and Odd.

I turned to Jeremy and whisper, "I dont think we should tell them we are going."

He shakes his head in agreement. They've already had enough trouble in the past, no need to drag them back into it.


Jeremy and I walked to the tunnel in the forest and we opened the tunnel opening and went through. Our scooters were suprisingly still there. We jumped on and continued on to the end of the tunnel. When we reached the end we climbed up the ladder, opened the hatch and climbed out, we were finally at the factory. I noticed a bunch of bulldozers, dump trucks and other large machinery around the factory. We walk in silence not knowing if someone was here or not.

We reached the landing pad for the elevator and Jeremy says, "Look". He's pointing at a piece of paper taped to the elevator door.

I read it and it says, "Building due for demolition in 2 weeks".

"What?" I scream. Jeremy quickly covers my mouth.

"We dont know if theres anyone here." He whispers, "Let's come back at nightfall, there shouldn't be anyone here then."

Back at the school,

I walk into my room and lay down. I close my eyes and I see my mom again. This was getting creepy.

"Aelita, the five are coming, meet them soon." She says. She walks closer to me, and I back up. "Aelita, don't be afraid." She walks right up to me and puts her hand on my shoulder and the other on my face. "You've turned out to be just the young lady I wanted you to be. I'm sorry I couldn't be here for you, my baby." I see tears in her eyes. I hear a noise and my mom looks behind me, I turn and see black smoke. It flies toward me. I try to wave it away but it goes right through me.

That's when I hear my mom yell, "Aelita." I turn and see that the black smoke is wrapping itself around my mom. The last thing my mom says is, "Find the five and you'll be safe." The black smoke finally covers my mom and she disappears and then the smoke forms into a Xana symbol. It comes toward me cornering me in the corner of the room.

Then I open my eyes and I'm sitting on my bed. No, this cant be. The visions or dreams or whatever these things are getting worse. I hear a knock on my door. I sigh and roll out of bed heading toward the door. I open the door and came face-to-face with Jeremy.

"Jeremy, we need to go to the factory, now." I say starting to shaking.

"We can't, guess who is missing?" He sighs putting his hand behind his head, scratching at his messy blonde hair.

"Who?" I ask.

"William, the teachers aren't letting anyone out. They are on patrol for the rest of the night." He groans and turns to leave. No, I need to tell him what's happening. I need to tell someone, I can't keep this in any longer!

"Listen Jeremy, I keep having these weird visions and I think that Xana is still alive." I say jumping infront of him, so he can't leave.

He frowns, "Aelita, that's impossible, we destroyed Xana. You're probably just traumatized, look I know you miss your father and all..." He didn't believe me, that really hurt me.

"Jeremy, I am telling you Xana is still alive. I know it." I try to stop myself from crying.

"Don't cry, listen we'll go as soon as they find William." He grabs my hand trying to sooth me and I nod okay. "Now get some sleep, we've got a science test tomorrow and we can't afford to fail."

After Jeremy leave, I get into my closet and get my pjs out. Once again I hear my mom's voice say, "The five are waiting." It's getting worse, I'm not even asleep and I can hear her. I slap my hands against my cheeks but I know I'm awake.

I can't take this any longer. I'm going to the factory tonight, alone. I drop my pjs down onto the ground and turn toward the door. Jeremy is just going to have to deal with it. I am going to prove to him that Xana is still alive.


Video: G.R.8.U By VIXX

Thanks for reading!


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