Chapter 2: Missing

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Written By: DGrayManLover

Chapter 2,

--Aelita's POV--

When I made to the factory, I grabbed the rope and slid down the rope until I could touch the floor. I walked to the elevator and I got ready to press the open button when it opened on it's own. No, I think to myself, someone is here and has found the super computer.

I backed up and I tripped over the edge of the landing pad of the elevator. Real smooth, Aelita. I groan at myself.

Then I hear, "Aelita, is that you?"

I look up and see his black shoes walking towards me. "William, you scared me. You do know that the whole school is looking for you." He bends down and offers me his hand. I grab a hold and he helps me up.

"I know, I just needed to get away from it all. Its all different since Lyoko was shut down and you guys hardly even talk to me anymore." He sighs, he's definitely been down in the dumps for quite some time. I mean I would to if all my friends iced-me out.

"I'm sorry, William." I walk around him and over to the elevator. "Will you go down with me? I'm kind of scared of going down there alone." I admit, I wish it was Jeremy going down with me, but William would do.

"Sure." He says and we both turn to get into the elevator.

When we get down to the computer room I noticed that the super computer is lit up, which meant it was on. That would mean that the server downstairs was back online as well. Who could've turned it on?

I run up to the super computer and sit in the chair and I notice that there is an activated tower. "I was right, Xana is alive. William, we have to tell Jeremy."

"There's not enough time, I'll go with you. Just set up a delayed virtualization." He sighs and runs toward the elevator hitting the button for it to open.

"Okay." I say as I type away on the keyboard to start up the delayed virtualization. Once I'm down I step down out of the chair and  run into the elevator.

William and I ride the elevator down into the scanner room and we step into the scanners. This felt so homey to me. Like I was going home, which techinically Lyoko was home to me in a way. I mean I did live here for quite some time at one point. The scanners close and we are transferred to Lyoko. The familiar feeling feels odd at first but I soon remember the rush of being virtualized once again. When we get to Lyoko, I notice that William is in his old outfit that he wore when Xana controlled him.

"After this mission, I can have Jeremy change your outfit if you want?" I smile toward him but he just shrugs.

"No need." He says turning his back toward me.

"What, do you actually like the outfit that xana made for you?" I smile. "Come on, lets go."

"No." He says and finally turns to face me. He puts his hand up and I notice that he has the Xana symbol in is eyes. I gasp, why do I always do this to myself?

"William, please don't." I had fallen into a trap. His hand had black smoke surrounding it and he throws it at me.

"The Five will save you." My mother's voice coos inside of my head. Then all I could see was darkness.


--Jeremy's POV--

When I awoke this morning, I went to the bathroom and I heard that the teachers had found William. So, I ran to Aelita's room to tell her we could go to the factory.

I knocked on her door and there was no answer.

So, I then proceeded to open her door. "Aelita, are you there?" I turned on the light and she wasn't there.

Her pajamas were on the floor and her closet door was open. No she better not have done what I think she did? I groan, she went to the factory by herself. She probably got caught sneaking around at the factory. She could be in big trouble right now.

I sigh and take off out of the dorms before I make my way to the factory.

When I got there it looked like no one had been there in weeks. Maybe she just got caught sneaking off of campus. I continued on to the room that held the super computer. It's been a while since I've been here. It feels sort of nostalgic.

When the elevator door opened, I saw that the super computer was on. "Aelita?"

She wasn't in here, I sigh. I walked over to the super computer, sat down and that's when I saw that she had transferred herself to Lyoko and that she wasn't alone. William was there as well.

At least William was with her, things could be worse, she could be alone. I looked over to the right side screen and saw that there was an activated tower. Aelita was right, Xana is back and is definitely alive.

"Aelita? William?" I say into my mike, to which I got no reply.

"Aelita?" Again no answer.

"William?" And again the same. Ugh, what is going on?

Then a screen popped up showing where their current location was. I saw that Aelita was in Sector 5 surrounded by monsters and something even worse, William was under Xana's control once again. "No, Aelita." He's got her right where he wants her.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket quickly and dialed Yumi's number. Please pick up, please Yumi you have to.

"Hello?" Her voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Yumi, is that you?" Who am I kidding? It's obviously her but I felt like I should ask anyways.

"Yes, what is it Jeremy? It's sounds urgent?"

"I need you to get to the factory now! Xana is alive and Aelita is in his hands right at we speak."

"What?" She yells through the phone. "I'm on my way. Do you want me to tell the others?"

"No, I'll call them myself. Just please, hurry." I hang up and dial Odd's number.

"Jeremy, whats up?" He answers on the first ring. Which just shows how bored Odd is if he actually has his phone on him, he's usually out trying to mess with girls.

"Get over to the factory now, inform Ulrich and hurry." I say, as the elevator door opens and Yumi walks in. She was always the fastest when told to get here now.

"Are the boys here yet?" She says looking around the room. I shake my head no and point to my phone.

"Why, is it for my surprise birthday? Because that's nearly 4 months away..." He says excited but I cut him off.

"No Odd, its not for you birthday. Xana is alive and he has Aelita, right now. So, get over here on the double." I growl into the phone.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell Ulrich and we'll be on our way." He says quickly.

I hang up and I try to communicate with Aelita again. "Aelita, please answer me."

No answer again like earlier. After a few minutes the elevator opens and Odd and Ulrich step in.

I turn to the three of them and sigh. I never in my wildest dreams would think that we'd be here in this situation again. Yeah, I admit a part of me missed this but then again this is saving the world we are talking about. It isn't a game.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask them to which they nod in return. Good, now let's save our Princess.


DGrayManLover here, just wanted to say that I've edited this chapter! Yay, thanks to everyone that has read!

Video: Growl - EXO


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