Chapter 7

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          Harrowing screams inundated the town. The high pitch screams bounced within the confines of the strange dome, like being trapped inside a church bell, ringing on and on. Hidden just beneath the alarming screams boded an unsettling sound. A heckling click, clicking far and wide. This was a dreadful sound Hadge remembered so chillingly well.

Straight off Hadge looked towards the dome, convinced the offensive sounds had to come from there. Sure enough just beyond the perimeter of the sphere the land crept restlessly in the darkness, as the light eerily reflected off the millions of eyes hungrily staring into the town. It was hideous spiders, spiders everywhere, all striving to get inside. Thwarted merely by the invisible shield charged over the town. A network of vine-like spires linked the strange dome, each metallic spire towering above the town, strategically located along the borders of Nowhere.

The deafening screams grew louder, uncannily centering from directly within the walls of Nowhere. Uwee looked confused, "Spiders aren't even in the town..." Hadge was on the same wavelength as the grubb, wondering, "Why are they already screaming?"

Suddenly the source of the horrific screams burst into sight, as nine humans terrifyingly fled through the streets. Zaya shouted, "There!" Uwee leaning in closer to the glass, asking, "Where?" The reason they were running wasn't at first made clear, until dark appendages surged from the exit they had just escaped, and countless spiders began to pour from every crack and crevice of that building. Hadge knew they were no longer safe in the town, as he nervously faltered, "Oh shit..." He had a hunch that building has an underground outlet, which led directly outside.

Soon both the doors and windows collapsed under the purging weight of the beasts, spiders all fighting to crawl over each other to catch the quarry first. The humans were no match for the eating death machines, four strides to every one. One by one they battled over a victim, and dragged them away.

Zaya apprehensively turned from the window. Hadge believing the sight was too much to stomach. Oddly she fixedly stared behind them, towards the shadowy corners within the building, and fearfully shouted, "All the cellars are joined!" Hadge instantly knew that comment meant they were all in immediate danger.

He hadn't even turned all the way around, as spiders burst through the basement door, and the devilish creatures crept into the drugstore where they stood. The spiders moved with lightning speed, crossing the distance of the room, straight towards the three meal tickets. Uwee howling, "Waaahhhhhhhhhh!"

The lead spider lunged at Hadge, nonetheless he never flinched or moved. His expression seething with rage, as his humanity seemed to unhinge from his entire being, glowering boldly at the beasts before him, whilst a low rumbling voice exited his body, "Don't even try." Hadge hoisted the two oversized water guns in his hands, like the dangerous stance of the Hadginator, sporting for blood.

He growled as his fingers pulled the trigger, and the unwavering bloody concoction soaked the spiders. Each began to shriek out in crippling pain, twisted and twitching among the shelves. Zaya tensely screeched, "They keep coming!" Uwee begged, pulling on Hadges arm, "Please...we have find a place to hide!" Hadge nodded in correspondence. He looked out among the chaos, however wasn't too sure there was a place to hide. In fact the whole town could be overran with spider within ten minutes.

"Nooooooo!" A girl screamed from out in the street. One of the spiders had her entangled amid its sticky webbing, dragging her over the rocky asphalt, and she fought desperately to cling to anything with one free hand.

Hadge unflinchingly ran outside, darting between the spider and its victim, cutting the web that bound the girl to the beast. Instantly the spider turned on him. Hadge shot the hideous beast in the eyes, and the monster shrieked loud enough the dome vibrated. He backed away watching the spider convulse, and crumpled to the ground. Spiders of all sizes began to cannibalize the fallen beast, some dieing at the mere touch of the bloody water. Then another spider went for the childlike girl, and another. As fast as the hideous spiders appeared he'd carefully dispatched them with the concoction. He could see Zaya free the girl from the corner of his eye, yelling at them, "Run!"

HADAGERY, Book of ElysiumWhere stories live. Discover now