Chapter 8: You Make Me Too Soft And Nice

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"Ooh, I want this." I smiled looking at the Celtics snapback.

"Why?" Drake chuckled.

"Cause..." I pouted.

"You can have mine okay?" He sighed.

"Okay." I put the snapback down and walked out of Lids.

"Lucy!" I whirled around to see Ian waving at me then looked around as if I didn't see him.

I began walking back into Lids when I felt his hand on my shoulder. Smiling ever so sweetly I turned around to face him.

"I've been calling and texting you." He informed me, grabbing hold of my hand.

"Oh I dropped it in the sink a while ago, it's probably dead." I shrugged. My phone buzzed loudly in my pocket.

"Sounds alive to me." He stated.

I looked down nervously and began fiddling with my hands. What was I supposed to do...? Or say? I don't like you because I like your brother?

"Hey babe- Oh hey Ian." Speak of the devil. I looked at Drakes smug expression and glared.

"Hey Drake." He smiled then looked back at me.

"I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back." I faked a smile then turned around to leave.

Stalling time, I went in a few stores and looked around. I didn't know what else to do, this kind of thing doesn't usually happen to me and now that it has, I'm stuck.

I peeked my head around the corner and looked towards the food court to see if Iran was still with Drake. Nearly twenty feet away from me, there was a large crowd but no Drake and Ian.

Slowly walking over to the crowd I could here people laughing and talking as they looked forward. Cheers and hoots erupted but I couldn't see a thing. I pushed and shoved my way to the front and that's when I saw what was going on.

Ian and Drake were full on fighting. I stepped forward and tried pulling Ian off Drake but it was no use. So I walked out. If they wanted to fight, they could fucking fight but hell it wasn't my problem.

Feeling the heat from the hot Floridian sun, I took off my jacket and stuffed it into my bag as I kept walking. I put in my headphones and blasted Anything by Hedley.

My walk home was hot and long and sweaty. I even got a few mosquito bites and I ran away from a wild dog. He was very scary-or maybe it was a she. Who knows? Not me, haha I was running.

Drake hadn't even gotten home but I was kind of glad because I was pissed at him and Ian for fighting for no appropriate reason and if I saw him, I would probably slap the shit out of him.

Lighting my cigarette, I took a drag, letting the smoke fill my lungs before exhaling. Smoking always made me feel better and I know its a terrible stress reliever but I preferred it over everything. I started smoking when I was thirteen and although he wasn't to happy about it, Jay let me-heck he even blazed up with me sometimes.

It had begun to get dark outside, so I put out my lite and went back inside. I took out a pan and some chicken along with some spices and oils.

Looking through my mums old cookbook, I settled on a recipe and began cooking. First, putting the thawed chicken in the pan on the stove and adding oil. It made a loud crackling sound and I jumped back.

I heard the front door open, but chose to ignore it.

"Oh god Lucy, you scared me to death. I had no idea where you went or what happened to you." Drake said in pants as he walked over to me.

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