Chapter 8: Legacy Outfit

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(With chapter 12 Cerise POV)

Last week on our Legacy class, we rehearsed our lines on stage. (ch 4) It was the very first class because Headmaster wanted us to start the school year fresh with our destiny in mind so we can go to school everyday purposefully. This week, students were tasked to come up with their outfits. Why is this a class you ask? legacy day is very important and you can't just wear anything.

A fairytale student needs to be dressed up for the formal event, at the same time, their outfits need to reflect their story and character. So for class, the students are asked to really think about their stories and sketch what they think their legacy day outfits should look like while the teacher Maid Marian would go around class to evaluate and give suggestions.

Daring Charming looked at his paper, he drew himself in the full white outfit his parents use to make him wear. This was what his parents say his destined to be, a white prince that shines like the sun, brightening any gloomy damsel in distress, saving princesses from darkness. However, the more he looked at the picture, the less right it felt.

Seeing as he looked troubled, Maid Marian came to his table. "Having troubles young man?" She looked at the drawing, though a really bad one, the intentions were clear and understandable.

Daring glanced up at the teacher, she's usually the teacher for damsel in distress class so he never really had her, "I'm just not very sure if white is my colour anymore."

Marian looked at Daring and said "I see, how about picking another colour from you colour pallet as your base" she suggested, "Royal blue perhaps?"

Marian then turned to address the whole class "If ever your stuck with ideas, don't be afraid to look into the other characters in your story for inspiration, for example picking colours form your partner, and incorporating them as accent colours in your design." glancing back at Daring she gave him a gentle smile.

The bell rang and students started to pack and leave for their next class.

--lunch brake--
Daring pulled out his design and started filling in his sketch with colour, 'An accent colour' he thought, 'maybe red?, the colour of the apple in Snow White.

Curious princesses started crowding around the prince. "Whatcha drawing?" one asked.

Daring looked up and smiled at the lovely princess smiling back at him. "My Legacy Day outfit!" he replied.

"Oh I can't wait to take that class next year!" a junior exclaimed, "I'm already thinking about my outfit now!" She put her hands up and waved excitedly, while other nodded with equal excitement.

"Well ladies, Im a little stuck with colours and Maid Marian said I could use princes colours as accents" Daring charmed with his best deep seductive voice, catching all the girl's attention, "Anyone wants to be a part of my legacy? I'll be happy to add a gem of you in my crown"

Blink.... blink... SCREAMMMMM!

--author's note--
Wow original content! This is actually the first chapter that is not based off any webisodes. I just really thought that I had to write more classes for this to feel more like a school ^^

the picture was a sketch I drew.. I was hoping my sis would draw it for me because I had this idea of making a Charming ball room/hall, but waiting for a picture from her can take forever

Daring Charming POV (Darise)Where stories live. Discover now