Chapter 27: The Big Game (with Cerise)

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"Oh my fairy god mother, look at that!" Someone shouted in the crowd. If anyone was sleeping before, the certainly weren't anymore.

The whistle blew, and the book was expertly snatched from Daring's hands by a familia red hooded girl; the girl who's name no one really knew before, but everyone was chanting now.

"Cerise! Cerise! Cerise!"

Said girl ran through the pillars of legs as if they were nothing, she didn't slack until she reached touch down. And just like that Ever After High scores yet another touch down. If she kept it up they might just catch up and win. The excitement didn't end there, because even when Beanstalk High had the book, Cerise intercepted every pass, leaving them with no chance of scoring.  And that was pretty amazing in itself. It blew everyone away, where was she at the start of the game?

"Cerise! Cerise! Cerise! Cerise!"

Among all the excitement, there was one person who was just not enjoying it as much as everyone else. Who you ask? Daring Charming... he was just a little stressed. And that stress level raised ten fold when he heard the crowd gasp into silence. His body wiped around looking for Cerise, but he couldn't spot the red Hood anywhere. It felt like minuets, even though it should be seconds, before Cerise seemingly appeared from under a giant's foot and continued to charge forward. Daring felt like his life had just been shortened, his heart was still beating loud in his chest.

"Boys, what are you doing? Protect the lady!" Daring shouted to the team.


Needless to say Daring did not relax after that. He continued to watch Cerise closely. It was getting increasingly harder for Cerise to score a touchdown, often she had to settle for a first down instead. His cheep trick of distracting the giants and making them fall was becoming ineffective, they are marking Cerise as target, just what Daring feared the most.

The whistle blew again and he had to decide if he was passing the book to Cerise again, but as he turned to her direction, he could see a giant's foot raising behind Her, 'he can't be...' Daring thought 'no! He's fully intending to!' "Cerise!!" Daring passes the book to Hunter, and he launched himself at Cerise's direction.

He pushed Cerise out of the way just in time before the Giant stomped down at where she originally stood. However the momentum of running towards her had sent them both rolling on the grass, Daring hugged Cerise tight with arms around her head ensuring minimum damage. When they rolled to a stop Daring was on top of Cerise and he quickly lifted his body weight off the girl as they both pant for air.

"I'll... not pass.... the book... to you anymore." Daring announced still on top of Cerise, still panting.

"why?!" she shouted confused.

"Your being targeted.. it's dangerous." Daring looked up at the field and then back down at her "besides, thanks to you, I think the boys found some much needed confidence."

As Daring looked back up, Cerise adjusted herself to look at the field too. And at that moment, Hunter made his first touch down of the game.

The crowd cheered.

The rest of the game was smooth, Cerise continued to intercept the Giant's  books and the guys took turns to run as Cerise remained in the shadows. The boys were doing much better now that they were not as terrified as they where when they first played. Let's just say even Hopper got to score. They were scoring way ahead of the Giant's, almost hitting three digits on the board! and Daring felt that the honour had to go to Cerise, the giants were not marking her anymore, He passed the ball to Cerise one last time, and she gladly took it.

Just like that the game ended with a happy ending, but Daring was so exhausted. He had burnt almost all his energy on this game, he just wanted to sleep. He would rest a bit, then he would have to wake up again to prepare for the night, it was Thronecoming after all.

I watched football with my dad and had him explain to me all the rules so I had a rough idea 😅

Daring is such a Prince Carming.. who wouldn't fall for him :p

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