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"Babe! Wake up we have to get Brooklyn and Cameron!" Justin says lightly shaking me, did I have to get up? I think he could handle the kids without me. "Ugh ! Five more minutes!!" I wave him off and cover my face, I really was not up to going to hang with my dads better famy. "No get up." Justin kept shaking me, and of course I play like I'm still sleeping. I could finally feel him walk away. I smirk in accomplishment to myself. Finally some peace and quiet. But All of a sudden I felt this icy cold water on the bed. "Justin I'm gonna Fu-" I jump up and look around to see Justin, Jazzy , and Jaxon laughing at me. I stopped myself because of kids in the room." You're so gonna get it! My hairs wet! Ugh you idiot!" I get out of the bed and shove him.

"I'm taking a quick shower ." I announce, even though it was just water, I need to rinse myself with hot water cause the cold water got all in my privates. "Hurry up! You have 30 minutes!" Justin calls exiting the room with his siblings. Oh gee today was gonna be so fun. Not the sarcasm. I'm actually kind of nervous to be doing this though, I had never had to be a big sister to anyone, especially because my mom had no siblings and my dad wasn't around. So I was the youngest in my family.

I sigh as strip my clothes and hop in the shower. The warm water that hits my bare body feels so damn good. I could stay here all day if it was possible. I rinse my hair with shampoo and conditioner. I groan because all Justin had in his bathroom was Axe. Great. Now I was gonna be smelling like a boy. I roll my eyes and hop out the shower. I search his bathroom for a blow dryer .

"Come on , I know he has to have a hair dryer in here somewhere, I mean the kid is literally obsessed with his hair" I say to myself trying to find it. Bingo there it was . I plugged it in and blow dry my hair. I don't have a comb or a brush so I just put my thick black hair into a messy bun. I throw on some black jeans and a hoodie. It was one of Justin's hoodies he lent to me a while a ago. I sigh and walk out his room going down stairs . Justin smiles at me. "Ready beautiful?" Justin had gotten into the habit of saying cute shit to me all the time, he literally was the best boyfriend ever. "I've seen that hoodie before" Justin says giving me his infamous smirk."Mhmm" I say as We walk out to the car with Jazzy and Jaxon. I stop realizing we can't take Justin's car because it's not enough room for the kids.

"Justin , can you see if your mom will let us use her car because you don't have space to fit four kids in your car." Justin nods and walks inside. A minute later he comes out with his moms keys. We hop in the car. I make sure Jazzy and Jaxon are strapped in. "Are you guys ready to have some fun today" I say getting in the car and putting my seatbelt on.

"Yes!" Jazzy and Jaxon squeal . I laugh at how cute they are . Justin pulls out of the drive way and drives to my dad's house. I get this weird feeling in my stomach, I'm nervous. I have to take the kids to meet Jordan. What will happen if he doesn't like them? "Don't worry . Everything's gonna be fine. Don't worry." I guess he read my mind because he placed a hand on my thigh, signaling me to calm down.

Justin pulls out of his driveway and he drives to the address my dad had sent us. I really hope today goes well. I mean truthfully I've always wanted younger siblings. Here was my shoot at being a good big sister, I hope I don't fuck it up.

"We're here" Justin says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Stay here i'll be right back" Of course I didn't want to go in there, but I'd promised my mom I'd try for her. Justin gives me an 'Are you sure' look and I nod, he wasn't always going to be here when my dad was around so I might as well get used to be with my dad alone.

I sigh and walk up to the driveway, I reach the door and I ring the door bell. I roll my eyes when I see Natalie open the door."Stephanie ! " she squeals jumping at me with a hug. Seriously there is no understanding about what my dad see in her. Besides the fact that she's a young woman who looks no older than 27.

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