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"God ! How much longer do we have to stay here!?" Stephanie impatiently grumbled, we had been here for atleast two weeks, that was what it felt like. I know I was stupid to come alone but I had to get Stephanie back, besides Ryan and Chaz were supposed to be here by now, I didn't know what was taking them so long to get here.

"I don't Steph , hopefully not much longer. I can't wait to beat the shit out of them." My fist clenching at the though of pounding their faces in. Honestly you would have thought they'd learn by now but I guess not. I should only be in here for a little while longer, I mean no one fucks with Bieber and get away with it.

"Justin?" Stephanie calls snapping me out of my thoughts. "Huh?" I said snapping my head towards her. "I was thinking, You've met both my parents, but I've only met your mother, what about your dad" She innocently ask, I didn't talk about my dad much. Simply because I hate him and he probably hates me too. He left my mom to take care of Jazzy and Jaxon and me all on her own. I had to man up and take responsibility and I was only 13 . That's what got me caught up in this shit. I got in trouble like every day, I was a tough kid. If he would have stayed , then I would have been fine and Stephanie and I wouldn't be here.

"Justin, answer me" She sighs once again snapping out of my thoughts."You've never met him , because I don't want you to" I shrug my shoulders, he wasn't an important person in my life and I had no desire to try and forge a relationship with him. "Why ?" She asks, damn she was asking too many questions. "Because I hate him and he hates me.." I spat, I wasn't trying to take my anger out on her, but my dad and I didn't exactly have the best relationship . "I'm sure that's not true." Stephanie says in her innocent voice and I roll my eyes. It was true, never once has he tried to reach out to me. Never. So what makes her think I'm going I do it? "What happened? I mean you never talk about him." She asks, there was a reason for that, my dad was an asshole.

"I don't want to talk about him. I hate him." I roll my eyes, this conversation is annoying me. "Justin stop saying that, you don't mean it ." She scolds me and rolls her eyes. "I do mean it" I scoff, I wanted to her to just drop it. "Ok then , why do you hate him so much?" She challenges, Honestly I don't understand why she's pushing it. She of all people should understand, but of course I'll tell her. Especially since we promised no secrets.

"Ok fine. " I knew she wasn't going to let this go unless I told her what happened between my father and I. "When I was 13 , my parents got divorced. My dad couldn't handle the stress of three kids. So being the pussy he is , he left her when he found out she was pregnant with Jaxon. I had to grow up fast. I started my activity in the gang. It wasn't much , but it help get my mom on her feet to take care of us. After a while we had too much money. More than we needed. That's when I start getting into trouble. Sleeping with girls all the time. He made me who I am today." I look over at Stephanie, Her eyes were full of sympathy which is exactly what I didn't want, I wasn't some charity case. What my dad did made me the man I am today, I had no reason for anyone to feel sorry for me.

"And ever since that I've hated him. I can't stand him. I will always blame him for how I turned out. It's his fault that I'm this horrible person" it's true, If it wasn't for him. We wouldn't been here in this mess. "Justin, you're not a horrible person. I know you had to grow up fast, but you have to forgive him." Once again I didn't understand why she wanted me to forgive him, she of all people should know what it was like to have a father leave you. There was no way I was letting him back into my life.

"No . He did this to me! He made me like this! " I was angry with my dad, he was the reason for a lot of my actions that brought us here. She doesn't understand. He left me. He made me a monster. "Justin," You could tell she was getting frustrated with me but I didn't care, I refused to rebuild any kind of relationship with him. "When's the last time you've seen him?" Stephanie questions, I don't even know, I wanted to stay as far away as I could. "I think when I was 14 , my mom and my siblings visit him every once in a while,I don't go simply because he hates me and I hate him" my mom knows she can't force me to see him, so she takes the younger two who are obviously oblivious to everything that's happened, but of course I knew better.

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