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I smile at the sight of a peaceful sleeping Stephanie. She was snoring and I admit I found snoring to be completely annoying and obnoxious. But on her it was completely adorable.

What am I saying?

Months ago if you would have told me I am in a relationship, I would have laughed in your face. But now I don't think I could ever survive without this women by my side, She is what keeps me sane.

"Alright passengers, sit tight we are now landing in Orlando, Florida." The Captain speaks, I might be a little too excited for the trip, I smile as I gently shake Steph to wake her up.

"Come on baby get up we're here." I gently shake her again.

"Fuck off." She was definitely not a morning person, but we were in Disney for heavens sake.

"Babe please"

"Ugh fine" she sits up and unbuckled her seatbelt as we land. "Last time I'm getting up early" she scoffs. Ah don't you just love mornings? Hint the sarcasm. I grab our bags and we walk off to meet Ryan and Danny, and then there were Jenny and Chaz fighting.

"Ahh I need Starbucks why isn't there a Starbucks in this damn airport it's took early for this.' Jennifer groans, I wonder what this was all about. "I blame you for not bringing me my Starbucks this morning BEFORE WE GOT ON THE PLANE " she scoffed as she threw her hands up in irritation

"I'm sorry I didn't know , I thought I got you the right thing." Chaz defends himself, walking after her as she continued to move away from him.

"Ahh! Clearly it wasn't enough if I'm like this!" She stopped to turn around and yell at him, I had to admit it, watching the two of them go back and forth was hilarious.

"Shut the fuck up it's too early for this shit." Stephanie rubbed her temples as if she was getting a headache from their fighting, I knew this was not about to be pretty.

"I wasn't talking to you so shut the fuck up!" Jenny spat, I was a bit take back by her response, I didn't expect her to react to Stephanie that quick or in that way.

"Watch your mouth bitch." Stephanie spat back

"Bro What's happening." I whispered to Chaz as I watched the two go back and forth.

"Umm your pregnant girlfriend is hormonal right now and my girlfriend has been called by Mother Nature," Chaz explained, I didn't know if we should intervene or let them hash it out themselves, I mean they seemed pretty capable to handle this right?. "Thank god this only last for one more day and I'm through with her bitchiness. " Chaz groans, oh I wished, I had another nine months of constant mood swings to deal with.

"Bro atleast you don't have to deal with nine months! I never know when she's in a good mood!" This was gonna be a long nine months, especially if this was one of her mood swings.

"Ha suckers my girlfriend is perfectly fine and calm." Ryan teased as he wrapped his arms around Danielle's waistline.

"You might wanna control your girlfriends" Danny smirked pointed at Stephanie and Jenny who were all in each other's face, they looked like they were about to kill each other. "Oh my goodness." I muttered to myself before walking over to my pregnant girlfriend.

"Babe. Calm down." I softly whisper in her ear as I attempted to place my arms around her waist hoping that my touch would calm her down.

"Don't fucking touch me." I removed my hands from around her waist, I'm guessing Jenny told Chaz the same thing because he repeated my actions moments later. "I'm sorry." They both said to each other as they embraced each other in a hug.

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