Chapter 2

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I was currently sitting in my first block  class hearing the teacher drone on when the bell rang, I swear their lectures are so pointless sometimes. (more like all the time) This morning has been full of events. Almost the entire population of girls in my school gave me dagger eyes when they heard about the little stunt Jason pulled. Sometimes I wish I was just a small invisible shadow that no one ever saw but in the world we live in that's not physically possible. (So i'll just take what i got)The feeling of someone glaring at me brought me quickly out of the class. I walk through the hallways still trying to figure out what I was going to do with all this unwanted attention.  
(Not like I could do anything for real. I figured if I just acted like it was nothing every girl would gladly throw me in the nearest trashcan. If I get on my knees begging for mercy they would laugh even more than they do now. Guess I'm out of my wits end. I headed to my next class when I felt a pair of hands shove me from behind. Once more my stuff sprawled out of my hands as they did when I got off the bus. Bystanders began to laugh as the others continued to walk on with out a second glance. Hurrying to pick up the various scattered items a figure catches my eye as they bend down. Who is so bold enough to enough dare help me. Through the hall a series of gasps stop me in my tracks. What's going on? Who is that!?

 Daring a chance to look up, my heart stops again. Why would he of all people want to help? Doesn't he know this is just making the situation worst? Why of all people does it have to be Jason? The torment doesn't end does it? Face down now I reach for my note book when I feel his soft hand brush mine. Looking up he noticed we were reaching for the same thing. My blush couldn't be deeper. Our eyes stayed connected until the warning bell rang. 

He handed me my books, "Sorry for my friend. She's a bit of a klutz. You okay...?"

My face shot down, "A-addison, and I'm fine." (Try to breathe now. Keep it together.)

Jason smiled, "Addison." (God i loved the way he said my name) Someone far away told him to come on making him wave back. Then once again his attention was on me. "Well I 'll see you around."

I fixed my glasses, "uh... yeah, sure." With that he left taking my anxiety with him. I heaved a sigh, this day is becoming more then I can handle. With my emotions in check I head to my next class. 

Lunch finally hit after what seemed like a century worth of lectures and introductions. This was what I was actually looking forward to nice peaceful meals. I missed being at my table. Even though I was alone I wasn't bothered like in every class I have. I grabbed my lunch and headed to the cafeteria. However when i got there my usual spot was no where to be found. What is this witchcraft? They've never moved that table so why now. All of the tables were full of people who either didn't like me or were complete strangers. (And I am in no mood to be bothered) Looking around I came to a realization that I wouldn't be eating in here. As if on queue someone called my name. (Someone called my name?)  I looked around to find the culprit when I see it's none other than Jason. (Why does god hate me so?) I gave a nervous smile and waved. Then he motioned  for me to come over. What in the world is going on today. When I didn't move Jason got up and came to me. 

"Hey Addison, come sit with us." He voiced.

My anxiety choked me like a python, "It's fine. I usually eat alone."

"Awe come one, what fun is eating alone?" He responded. (What could be worst than rejecting his offer. I've got nothing to loose anyway) 

I shrugged, "I guess." He grinned like a child and preceded to lead me to his table. The tension was so thick at that point you would need a battleaxe to cut through it. My neck hairs were starting to rise with ever girl glaring at me. As we arrived at his table I saw Derrick, the star baseball player, Hannah and Allen, the schools favorite couple,  (even my favorite to be honest) and Jocelyn, the captain of the varsity cheerleading squad and most feared girl in the school. She was the queen and god forbid anyone who tried to harm her. Alongside her was Katie and Caitlin, her minions and body guards. They were twins and a forced to be reckoned with. We walked over to where he was sitting and I sat in the seat next to him. Thank god it was at the end of the table. The minute I sat down the table got quiet  and all eyes looked towards me.  

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