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5 years later

"Cas, this is the second time you've made me take us somewhere... You know I don't like surprises!!!" Dean just whinned but kept driving.

"You'll like it. I hope..." He suddenly felt the nervousness that had settled, explode. He felt like he was going to throw up, and just faced as if he was looking out the window. He couldn't exactly give directions anymore, so he just told him what street to find and then where he was supposed to turn. Dean was confused, Cas had told him to go to their old highschool out by the bleachers. Another romantic picnic. But this question could either make or break everything...

He thumbed over the box in his pocket. He kept thinking to himself on how he was going to pop the question. How he was going to make sure he wasn't making a fool of himself. Would Dean even want this? He felt really sick suddenly and couldn't speak.

Dean noticed the sudden tension in the air. And looked over to Cas. He looked really worked up. "Baby, do you wanna do this another time? You don't look so good. We can have little picnics whenever we want. I honestly love them."

Cas was thankful that kids always started school on a monday. Date didn't matter. Schools would open from summer break that nearest Monday after the designated date. "No, it's our anniversary and I wanted to do something."

Dean's eyes widened and he couldn't even look at Cas. How could he have forgotten? He felt like he was the world's worst boyfriend, sitting right there at that moment. "Is that why we are here? The place we first met?"

"Precisely." Cas smiled as he got comfortable on the ground. They were in the shade under the bleachers, and it was chilly. The only jacket Cas ever really wore was Dean's highschool varsity football jacket. Dean had moved on to playing in college and got another one. He tried to give it to Cas, but Cas only wanted the old one. He put it on and opened the basket, and with the help of Dean's mom, the same exact things were in there from when Dean asked him to prom.

It took Dean a few moments before he realized. "This is the same lunch I packed when I asked you to be my date to the prom."

"Exactly, that was a big question, and now its my turn to ask a big question." Cas smiled brightly

"Oh really, babe?"

"Mhm." Cas rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "So, Dean... There's so much I could say about you but I don't have enough time in the universe." He was copying what he said when he left for LA. "But also... You... You're my everything. We've stayed strong through the ups and downs. We can get through everything together. I believe in that. And I believe you're my soulmate. So maybe, maybe we could get through the rest of our lives together? I can't begin to thank you for everything you've done for me. You're my eyes and I'm so in love with you." Cas got really nervous. Dean was almost in tears. He knew what was coming. "So really, what I'm trying to ask..." Cas started to pull the box out. He fidgited to open it,  hoping he wasn't going to open it upside down. "Will you marry me, princess?"

Dean tackled him to the ground where they were sitting and kissed him, so lovingly. He felt his heart was about to stop. "Oh yes, Cas. I'll marry you." He smiled and took the ring, and slipped it on his finger.

They ate their food, happily, holding hands. Even on the way home they held hands. Dean literally shouted to tell eveyone that Castiel was his fiance. Dean was most definitely going to take Castiel's last name. They got married a few months later. Dean had enough money to easily pay for everything that the both of them wanted there.

Dean and Cas were one. Mr. and Mr.Novak. It was almost unreal for the both of them. The vows were beautiful. The tuxedos were beautiful. The dance was amazing. Both of them were a little rusty on their feet, but it was really fun. That night they made slow love to each other as husbands. Both of them had 2 rings. The ones from highschool on the right and the wedding ones on the left.

They eventually adopted a baby girl. Her name was Charlotte. But she was deaf. just like Cas, she sort of struggled with things. But her and Cas had the strongest bond possible. He loved their perfect baby girl. Dean did too. He kept his life private and separate from his career. He spent most days at home with his husband and little girl. Other's he spent on the road playing.

Cas was easily able to navigate everything. Being blind was no struggle for him anymore. Now he had a home office where kids would come to talk to him and he'd help them through it all. Their life was actually perfect. They didn't really argue, except for the ones about who's butt is better. Or who loves who more... The best part though, was when they were both home and they were able to just snuggle up in their bed with  their baby girl and their dog and cat.

Charlotte had fallen asleep, and was snuggled between Dean and Cas. Cas kissed her head and snuggled them both. He leaned over to kiss Dean as well. "I love you, goodnight Dean."

"Goodnight Cas. I love you too."

Cas realized that he might not have sight. Charlotte might not have the ability to hear. Dean wasn't physically disabled, but wasn't very good with reading...But they still had the best things ever. Though they were disabled- they had true love. And thats all that matters. They spent the rest of their lives together. Happy.

The End

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