66- When he cheats Part 2

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Alex :

It's been a couple of days since you last caught Alex with Taylor.

You have been receiving text messages,calls, and random flowers sent. Alex has been trying but you couldn't handle talking to him at all.

Even the boys tried to ask you to talk with Alex again, but you just ignored them and Tiana even though you didn't want to. You needed time to yourself from this.

You heard a knock on your door and thought it was the pizza you ordered. Lately you been eating your heart ache away, you would get loads of food from your best friend Zaylee(HAA MEEE.) she would bring you ice cream and your favorite drinks over to help you get over Alex. (I'm just that sweet)

So when you opened the door you expect the pizza guy or Zaylee, but instead you saw bad looking Alex.

You tried to slam the door but he stopped you.

"Y/n wait please, let me explain. " he said as his voice cracked slightly.

"You have a few minutes Constancio" you said bluntly.

"Okay.. Yes I did fuck up by cheating on you, I can't say I didn't mean it or it was an accident. Taylor came over and I didn't think she would, so when she came in my room I thought she forgot something but I guess she didn't.. so when she kissed me, I don't know why I kissed back but I did and now I regret ever letting it happen because I lost the girl of my dreams for one hoe of the night. I threw our relationship down the drain for nothing and I can't believe it.. so please Y/n take me back" he said crying.

You felt your heart break at the sight of him crying. You hugged Alex and held him tightly in your arms.

You couldn't help it, you loved Alex and you knew letting him go would be too hard.


It's only been a day since you left Robert and the crew's house like that.

You ignored Robert's text and calls, he thought it was nothing but to you it was something that broke you up inside.

But Tiana and Zach invited you to the photo shoot for Darkside and you knew you couldn't say no because Tiana is your best friend and Zach is your good friend.

So you left to the house despise the fact you have to see Robert. After you arrve, you walked inside to see Tiana wearing the Darkside merchandise.

"Here's your outfit. You're going to take pictures with Robert though" Zach said handing you, your Darkside merchandise.

You groaned but just walked off to the bathroom to change, after you changed into the Darkside shirt and black shorts. You fixed your hair to beach waves.

After you got done you walked out and seen Robert, you rolled your eyes and walked passed him to where Zach was.

He told you where to stand and Robert walked over wearing the Darkside hoodie and Cap. He did as Zach told him to do and you did the same.

After your picture were done, you walked back inside and was grabbing your phone but was stopped by Robert.

"I know you hate me but let me explain.
That girl isn't my girlfriend, I don't even know her name until I was told by Austin that he set me up for a prank, but I guess the prank went wrong. Y/n you know if never ruin a relationship with you just like that, we been together for a year. " Robert said explaining himself

"So Austin set you up to a prank?" I asked confused

"Yes. I'd never throw a strong year with you like that. " he said holding your hands.

"Well Austin is getting payback from me" you said and hugged Robert.

Andrew: Still wouldn't.


"Baby please listen to me" Austin tried to talk to you as you kept walking back and forth, packing your suitcase.

"Why should I? I just seen my ex boyfriend making out with the model he said I shouldn't have to worry about" You said with a glare.

"I didn't continue the kiss! She held on to me. I wouldn't need her when I have you already. Katya is nothing but someone who needs the attention. I rather have someone beautiful like you" he said to you.

"You promise?" You said looking back at him

"I promise over everything " He said holding you.

You loved Austin with everything you got


Ever since you left Zach's, you couldn't help but cry over him.

Almost a year is gone just like that.
Zach would try to call, text, and FaceTime you. But you'd ignore it or just push your phone away.

But when you were at the house because you forgot your rings, you didn't think you would see Zach only one at the house.

"Y/n--" he tried to talk but you cut him off.

"Don't start Dorsey" you said with a glare before walking into the room and to your old jewelry box.

"Let me explain please" He said with a sad look.

You looked at him but sighed before siting down.

"Yes I did cheat but only a week. Tiana and I didn't sleep with each other though because I just couldn't when your the girl who still holds my virginity.. I ended as soon as I found out you knew. Y/n I'm a mess without you because I can't throw a almost year with you. I know I messed up badly but please believe me when I say I can't lose you like this. Please" he said crying.

You looked at zach shocked because this is the first to see him cry and knew it was serious because he rarely ever cries.. So you just sat on Zach's lap and hugged him, the both of you held each other just like that.

You knew it'll take awhile to trust him again but you still love him.

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