29~He likes you but your with someone from the crew

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Zach~ His P.O.V.

Today i was gonna tell y/n how i feel about her finally i mean i've been crushing on her since we became best friends she different from other girls and yeah i hope she feels the same for me or i'd be broken

So i walked to her house and knocked on her door waiting for few minutes than heard laughing from the back i recognized that and it was hers so i walked back there to Y/n with Alex he than wrapped his arm around her waist and they both leaned in sharing a kiss i felt my heart just shatter so i ran off not caring if i made a noise because i've waited to long to get her now she is someone else and not mine

Austin~ His P.O.V.

I was at my house with zach , alex and andrew than y/n came in smiling like robert she was so beautiful her h/c and her beautiful e/c is just amazing i've been liking this girl ever since we met so i kinda didn't ask her out because i was afraid she would reject me so yeah

"Guys we got something to say"robert said smiling and they intwined their hands together

"Were together !!!!"she said and i felt my heart just got ripped out of my chest and thrown on the ground to get stomped on i faked smiled at them than they left Zach , Alex and Andrew all knew how i felt for Y/n they all frowned at me and patted my back i sighed

Robert~ I was walking to Austin's house to see if he wanted to hang out so when i got there i noticed Y/n car was there to so i knocked on the door and mama mahone answered the door smiling

"Hey robert , Austin is in his room " she said and i nodded smiling walking to where his room but to see he was asleep holding y/n in his arms i felt my heart broken and i sighed walking out of the house ignored michelle and walked down the road crying

Alex~ His P.O.V.

I was backstage with Austin we were laughing and talking until we both decided to go look for y/n and zach we looked around until we saw them making out ......my heart just shattered because i've liked y/n ever since we talked but now she is with someone else who isnt me Austin knows how i felt about her so he patted my back as we walked away

Andrew~ (ik he is 16 or 17 so lets have someone else read to see whoo!!!!) His P.O.V.

I was with Austin on his tour it was awesome only because Y/n is here so i decided i need to grow up and tell how i felt about so i asked Austin where she was and and he told me in Shawn's dressing room (yes shawn mendes if how you spell it) so i walked in smiling but my smile faded when i seen Y/n and shawn share a kiss they pulled away looking at me

"S-sorry wrong room" i said and closed the door walking away feeling upset about this and everything i felt as if my heart was ripped from my chest

(Hey sorry im on my phone)

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