Cameron Dallas Imagine

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|Magcon Imagines|

Cameron Dallas

∞Your POV∞

Tears welled in your bright blue eyes, your hands clenched into fists. You were enraged as you stared at the photo on the screen of your mobile phone.

            “What the hell is this, Dallas?” You screamed at your boyfriend of 9 months. Pointing at the screen of your iPhone you slowly felt liquid stream down your face.

            “She came onto me! Her friend and her trapped me when I went to surprise you with Taco Bell!” He yelled back, you could see the anger in his eyes. It sent scared shivers through your body. “They asked to fucking talk to me! I can’t just ignore my fans like that, what don’t you understand?”

He threw his muscular arms into the air, expressing his annoyance. “I never said you had to ignore your stupid fans! But you don’t have to make out with everyone of them you meet!”

            “Well then maybe we shouldn’t be seeing each other anymore. My fans aren’t stupid, at least they can understand when I’ve made a god damn mistake!” He cursed, still screaming. His face was turning bright red and you could see the look of complete fury in his eyes.

            “You know what? Fuck you. I’m done.” Grabbing your purse and jacket off the kitchen counter you pushed past him. Your hands grasped your shoes that were at the front door of your apartment; not bothering to put them on you just kept running.

You finally stopped running as you found yourself at the local park. You made your way to the rusty old bench and sat down. Tears continued to spill out of your eyes; the cool midnight air chilled your skin. You unlocked your phone only to be met by the picture that made your heart crack. A fresh wave of tears slipped out of your eyes like a tsunami.

            “I loved him! He was my happiness!” You screamed at nothing. “I don’t understand why I deserve this! This whole relationship was a lie.”

You curled up on the cold bench, shivering and trying to preserve your bodies heat. You listened to the sound of the crickets chirping in the cool midnight paradise. For a while you just sat on the cold bench wondering where to go to sleep until you heard someone yelling.

I’m going to die. I’m going to die. I’M GOING TO DIE. The thought replayed over and over like a broken record. Slowly you began to make out the person screaming a name.

“Y/N! Y/N! Where are you?! Baby I’m sorry! Y/N, where are you?” A raspy voice yelled into the night. Your head shot up as you heard leaves crunching beneath someone’s feet. “Y/N? Is that you?”

You clenched your eyes shut and ignored the masked murderer that was slowly approaching you. This is it, you thought, goodbye mom.


“Y/N! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just got so frustrated please say something. Are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Fuck.” You heard him curse under his breath. Slowly you began to realize who was standing before you.

            “Get the hell away from me or I’m calling the cops!” You know that you couldn’t call the cops on your boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend. “Don’t you dare come closer to me. You’re a pig.”

Cameron stared down into your eyes, pressing your bodies together. “You’re really going to call the cops on me?” He laughed.

            “Y-yeah.” You stuttered. “Now get away from m-me.”

            “Look, I’m sorry. Give me a second chance! I can’t believe you’re throwing everything away because of a stupid picture. I swear she came onto me.” Cameron explained, softening his voice. “I love you. I always have, I always will.”

He grabbed your chin with his calloused hand and used the other one to brush away the hair that was covering your puffy, red eyes. You felt his warm breath fan across your face. He lowered his face to yours leaving a tantalizing kiss on your pouty pink lips. He tasted of mint.

You looked up through your lashes and raised yourself onto your tippy-toes. He was right; you couldn’t throw away everything you had. Finally you pressed your lips against his in a passionate, slow kiss.

You pulled away slightly, resting your forehead against his. “I’m so sorry. I was just so mad I’m so stubborn. If you don’t want to take me back then don’t. I was being stupid; I didn’t listen to your side of the story. I’m sorry.”

            “I couldn’t trade you for the world, Y/N.” He whispered, pulling further away from you. “Now let’s get home, it’s getting late. I love you.”

Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulled you into him. And with that you both disappeared into the cool night air.

“Oh and Cameron.” You whispered, “I love you too.”


A/N: Hi guys! This was a request so if you have any that you’d like me to do make sure to comment below! I need to do some that aren’t about Cameron so leave the name of the boy that you want me to write about next in the comments too!


If you aren’t already follow me on my Magcon twitter account @CupcakeMendes <3 Thanks for the votes and reads guys! If you like this one make sure to vote, love you! xo

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