One Shots

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Hey guys! So, in the last chapter, I took an uncommon ship and made it into a one shot. A lot of you guys liked it, so would you like me to do something like that again? 

If so, put which ship you like in the comments, along with who is in the ship because a lot of people have similar names (I ship Huna, but a lot of people think I'm shipping Luna and Hermione, when it's actually Luna and Harry.) If I make your idea into a one shot, I will dedicate the chapter to you, or list your name if more than one person suggested it.

The only thing I ask is that you don't suggest same-sex ships. I am not homophobic, I am just not good at them, they turn out really awkward, and I don't want to offend anybody. If you like, I can give my opinion on the ship, but I will not make it into a one shot.

Also, please do not make fun of anyone else's ship idea, if you do and you suggest one, I will not make it into a one shot.

That's all for now guys, bye!


One last thing. I absolutely WILL NOT write about anything I think could be inappropriate for any of my readers, you know what I'm talking about, so don't even ask me.

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