Losing a friend

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I let out a loud sigh as I gulped the cold orange juice down my dry throat. the night went amazingly well and I quickly recovered from my jetlag. Waking up to the beautiful view of the London surburb was certainly the most gorgeous thing ever.

The girls were planning to go shopping since we were all so keen to get out and have fun. We already started to plan what we were going to wear, the day was going to be amazing!

I looked around the dining the table and smiled to myself as I saw all the girls chattering and planning. Everyone had broad smiles on their faces and they were all so extremely happy, including me most definitely.

"Okay girls, c'mon lets get going!" Taylor announced grabbing everyone's plates and glasses and putting them into the dishwasher "I think we should reach the mall as soon as we can because we wanna get to all the shops!"

"Sure thing Madame" Kayla proposed getting up to go her bedroom.

The girls and I laughed at her humour and left to get changed and get ready for shopping.

In the car*

"So everyone's got what they need? Money??" I asked laughing as I closed the door to my passenger seat.

"I think we can manage! right girls?" Anna turned around to see everyone's head nodding in return.

I put my handbag down near my foot and Anna started the car and put some really cool music on. I looked around at every single bit of the surburb admiring it's beauty and uniqueness.

Just as Taylor was about to speak up Ebony's phone started ringing and she quickly answered it with a frown.

"Hello?" I hear her soft mumble against the phone as I turn around to look at her.

As soon as I catch a glimpse of her, her face turns red as she starts looking at all the girls. Her beautiful face was now in deep concern.

"What's wrong ebz?" I mumbled lightly trying not to sound to curious.

She looks up at me with teary eyes and quickly hugs Kayla who was right next to her. Just then Anna pulled up the car and now we were all facing Ebony trying to calm her down so we knew what the matter was. She sobbed endlessly and finally she looked up at all of us and started to speak with hiccups interfering.

"Kendall" she spoke lightly moving her lips "she's... she's dead" ebony finished with her last words, crying out louder than she was before.

Who is Kendall? I started thinking to myself.

All the girls looked shocked and terrified as Taylor spoke up to get me out of the confusion.

"She was our friend... she was an orphan" Taylor started explaining to me as she was rubbing circles in ebony's back "she lived with her filthy uncle who always abused her physically"

Soon enough I got clear in the whole situation. who Kendall was, what she meant to the girls and how much they loved her.

"We have to go Giselle" Kayla spoke up wiping her tears " and I'm sorry but we can't take you with us just incase it creates any sort of a scene...knowing her uncle" she mumbles at her last words.

I nodded in acceptance and Anna drove back to the house. Luckily we weren't too far away from home. I saw us getting closer to home and insisted to let me out infront of the house and not bother driving in the drive way. I wanted them to be at Kendall's as soon as they could.

I got out the car and grabbed my handbag waving to them as I made my way inside.

I couldn't stop thinking about the poor girl. how much she had been through and everything I felt so sorry for her.

I opened the door to the house and went inside my room. I placed my bag on top of the dressing table and lay down across the large exotic bed. I looked up towards my right looking at the clock which said 12:00 pm.

All the short runs had made the time go by quick. I was just about to close my eyes when my phone beeped. I looked down at it to see a message from Ebony:

Ebz <3

Hey bub sorry about all this, I just wanted to let you know that we could take a fare lot of time at Kendall's sorting everything out. you can go out if you'd like hun, just be careful! love you gorgeous xx

I unlocked my phone and quickly replied back reassuring her


Hey babe, no it's really all fine! I want you to take care of everything and be strong okay?? and yeah I might go out I'll see and yes I'll be careful xxx

I put down my phone and closed my eyes again letting out a sigh. I could feel darkness around me as I took on a deep sleep. My eyes wanting to stay right open but my brain kept shutting down. I gave up and let my tired self take over and before I knew it, it was pitch black and I was fast asleep.

Okays guys so yes this was the the second chapter!! hope yous liked it because now it's time for the third chapter in which the boys are gonna be in!! yay!! I'm so excited haha!! And just saying for future knowledge that along with mature and rated r categories there's also going to be violence :) so yeah :))) Chapter 3 will be up by midnight hopefully, I just came back from work and I'm tireeedd af!!!

Don't forget to follow, comment and vote my loves 😘😘 xxxx I love yous all!

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