Bubble Berry X Unicorn!Reader (REQUESTED)

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This is for @seacow14 who had requested this. As for the person who had requested smut, I apolgize for the delay. I'm having major smut writing block, and I've been having to post things I had written a while ago to update my smut book. But, I'll try my best to get it out as soon as possible. But, for now, I will post regular one-shots. Once again, I apologize.
Now, onto the story!

A shrill of metal clanking against each other had sounded through my bedroom. I was about to turn it off and go back to sleep until I remembered my new job. Mister and Missus Cake had posted little flyers all across Ponyville, and I couldn't pass up the job.
I turned off the alarm and dragged myself off my bed. I shook my head slightly to wake myself up before getting ready.

~~~Time Skip~~~

I checked the time and noticed that if I wasted anymore time, I'd be late. I ended up skipping breakfast as I ran outside to Sugar Cube Corner.
I knocked on the door, attempting to catch my breath. As a unicorn, I don't really do much running, causing me to be worse than others.
The door swung open revealing a familiar stallion with a pink coat and mane. He could only be recognized as the famous Bubble Berry. He held a grin that can only be described as pure excitement. "Oh my Celestia! I've been waiting for so long to meet you, (Y/N)!" He maintained that grin as he started to jump in place.
"Y-You know my name?" I asked. If we've never met then how does he know-
"Of course, silly! I know everyone's name in Ponyville! Unfortunately, I haven't been able to talk to you which is very bad if I ever need to make a party for you... I need to make sure everyone has a great party, after all!" He explained.
"Oh... Well, I'm here for my job... Maybe we could go out during my break or something?" I offered a chance for us to properly talk.
"Not today! I told the Cakes about you and they said it would be fine if we go out to talk for today." He said, already starting to gallop out the door. Wow, he sure had everything planned out...
"You coming?" He waved over to me.
"Oh, yeah!" I nodded before running after him

~~~Time Skip~~~

For the morning, we had gone for a walk all around Ponyville. We settled down for lunch then continued our walk, this time in the outskirts of Everfree forest. I was scared at first until he told me he'd protect me.
Now, we're on a picnic on a grass field near Apple Acres. I was laying down, looking up at the starry sky. Bubble Berry on the other hand was getting things set up. I had offered him help, but he said not to worry.
"Ok, all done!" He smiled. The picnic consisted of a few sandwiches, sodas, and fruit tarts.
"It looks wonderful..." I gave him a similar smile to his, but softer. I sat up, about to get a sandwich until I felt a pair of lips on my own. My eyes widened before I relaxed into the kiss.  The kiss sent shivers down my spine as I realized I was kissing the Bubble Berry.
He pulled away and smiled, "Sorry for giving you a little dessert before you eat lunch..."
"O-Oh... It's fine... A little taste couldn't hurt, right?" I whispered.
"You're absolutely correct! Now, time to eat!" He said, leaving me flustered as he started to eat.
I shook my head slightly before joining him in eating.

>>>Time Skip<<<

It was dark already, so our little 'date' had to come to an end. Bubble walked me home and we both said our 'goodbyes'.
"Hope you had a fun time, cupcake!" He smiled.
I blushed at the nickname he gave me, but nodded in response. "I did... I can't wait to do this again."
"Great! I'll start planning for next time!" He said before kissing me once more.
It was short and sweet... If someone else saw it, they'd think it looked cute.
"Bye!" He pulled away and hopped off.
"Bye..." I giggled.

Forgive me for not paying attention to this book... Hope this somewhat makes up for it. Since I'm driving back home from vacation, I'll have time to make more. Anyways, bye~

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