Chapter 3(The bell exercise)

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Hi guys I'm back! Oh btw if you're worrying why Naruto's so cold. Don't worry about it! He'll warm up...soon. Anyways hope you'll enjoy the story and please review and tell me what you think about the fanfic! Onegai!

Three figures stood in the open field. The sun had yet to rise. A petite figure entered the view. His face was hidden behind a fox like mask that had intricate designs on it. He sat down and took out a black bento box and opened it. Imediately, a fragant scent emitted from the box. It was soon followed by three audible growling. The petite boy smirked. He lifted his mask a bit to reveal the lower part of his face to eat. The ninjas were shocked when they saw creamy white skin with a total of 6 whisker like marks onthe boy's face. He nibbled on his breakfast chewing it slowly. "Naruto... did you by chance make ...this?" Menma asked carefully, staring at the lucious meal that was in his brother's hands. Naruto stopped eating. He rested the pair of chopsticks he was holding on the bento box." Yes. Why?" "But you're not supposed to eat breakfast!" Sakura interrupted. The blond smirked. "I decided eat it so if I puke its my problem not yours. So I don't need comments nir advice from you." after asying that the blond returned his attention to his meal. He made sure he chewed loud enough and said 'yum' here and there. "Thank you for the food." Naruto clapped his hands together before putting the bento box away. He shifted his mask back to its original position. By the time he was done with his meal he found his three other team mates sprawled on the ground exhausted from the mental torture he did on them. He smirked. Naruto walked towards a tree and settled in its shade. He took out a scroll that magically appeared out of nowhere and started reading it.
"Morning everyone. Ready for you first day?" "Hey you're late!" Sakura exclaimed. "Oh a black cat crossed my path so I took the long way here." Kakashi calmly replied. Sakura twitched. Sasuke 'hn'ed. Menma 'tsk'ed while Naruto just kept quiet. "Here. I've set the time to noon. By then, you should have already get a bell from me each. Those who didn't will get eliminated and tied to the post over there and watch us eat while you are tied up there." 'So that's why.' Sakura,Sasuke and Menma thought. "Ready. Start!" And the four genins lept away.

Naruto pov~

Yay! We have a test! xD Now I show off my nin nin skills and make Shiro proud! 'Yes little cub make ya mama proud!' Yay! Shiro your back! But there's something fishy about this test.. 'Fish! where?' Lol mama your the best! Oh yeah this test requires teamwork, I think! I think his trying to pit us together to make our teamwork malfunction, but we're suppose to use teamwork to get the bells. Yes! I'll just go ask them to help me, it will be easy! I agreed before stomping off.
No! Its not easy at all!Sakura just ran off screaming 'Sasuke Sasuke!' and chased after him. Sasuke was just a big egogistic jerk and said (cue emo voice) 'I don't need you to drag me down.' and Menma, 'Why do I want to pair myself with a weakling like you?' See! Their jerks! Dx Oh well! Guess I just get the bells myself! But first I'll just see how they fare first. >:)
Guess what my team isn't that bad! Except for Sakura of course. She fainted from a genjutsu o course! Only she could pull that off! xD Sasuke put up a good fight, but that was shortlived too. :P Well for Menma his.... good? I dunno! xD His been exchanging blows with Kakashi for quite a while now. He injured Kakashi quite a bit and also managed to touch the bells... too. So basically his putting up quite a fight!

Menma pov~
*huff huff* I gasped out puffs of white mist. 'Since taijutsu can't work then..' I did the handsigns need for the jutsu I'm about to perform. "Katon: Fireball jutsu!" I spat out a medium sized fireball towards Kakashi. 'Impossible..' he leapt away from the spot that he was standing but did not expect what came next. "Rasengan!" 'What but thats impossible!' (Everythings possible kakashi xD)
Kakashi not knowing that the attack was coming did not have enough time to dodge it. So he held his two hands in front of him to lessen the impact of the jutsu.
Kakashi hit a nearby tree. I smirked. "That's what you get for underestimating your opponent!" "And this is what you get for letting down your gaurd." 'What!' I turned around shocked only to realise that it was too late when a fist neared my face I closed my eyes, waiting for the hit. But it never came. Instead I heard a loud 'Pak' and the wind whooshing at my face. I opened my eyes only to see a leg covered orange fabric in front of my face. Leaves slowly drifted through the wind and slowly desended towards the ground. (Imagine Lee using Leaf Hurricane)

Naruto pov~
Guess I couldn't help it. Stupid soft heart of mine! I was looking forward to seeing Menma getting his face bashed up too! Dx Well he IS my brother after all... I smiled bitterly. I wonder how they ever felt about me...Anyways~ "Ara~ Naruto-kun! Never thought you would have joined the fray. Took you long enough."He gave me a closed eyed smile. "Ara~Kakashi whatever made you think like that ~ ?"I did the same. "Naruto Uzumaki, the genius of the rookies, son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze and brother of Menma Namikaze. Wore a mask ever since 5 years ago.Showed no special abilities so far. All in all your weak." Kakashi stated bluntly, still smiling. 'This kid is definetly something else. I want to see what he can do.' "Ah. This is how people always are, always blinded by their ignorance. I wish that someday, people can truely understand one another.I envision a place of peace and harmony. But that will never happen.. Enough with this idle chatter. Let's begin. Shall we?" the longing voice was long gone.Now replaced with a playful, vixen like voice. Kakashi astounded by what his student just said regained his composure. He took a normal stance and dashed forward, towards the petite blond. I smirked. And at the last second I substitute myself with Menma! xD
He got the blow full blow of course!Bitter sweet revenge! >:D YumYumYumYum! Dericious! xD "Great teamwork Menma!" "You call that teamwork! Why you little bastard!" only to flip himself away from the punch that went his way! Yes! I winged it! "No you didn't! and I can hear you dumbass!'' I flickered to where Menma was and piggy backed him. "Menma your heavy." "Then put me down!" "....Neva! xD" I instead hung him from a tree by his pants of course! xD Hurray for me! I nodded at my master piece before taking out a camera. "Say cheese!" "No! Are you kidding me!" Just then Kakashi kicked my camera from my hands and it of course...well... spoiled. T-T. I cry. xD "Suiton: Great Vortex." I glared at Kakashi. A thick memosia of evil leaked from the petite blond boys body. Kakashi paled. 'What's wrong with today why am I met with life threatening situations today! Am I cursed! T-T' "Die." The jutsu started to take its course. A small vortex made of violent waters slowly rose from the ground. It grew in size and within a few seconds a giant vortex 2 storeys high blocked the blond boy from Kakashi's view. 'What...the...hell!' ''Go.'' the vortex spun rapidly torwards the jonin. Kakashi dodged the vortex, barely. The vortex rammed against a nearby tree. Kakashi's eyes widened at what he saw. The tree that the vortex immeadiately shredded into tiny splinters of wood that fell to the ground soon after. He looked at the 12 year old kid before him. 'His totally trying to kill me for just destroying his camera!!' Unbeknownst to him the blonde boy smirked. "Wind style:Two edged wind." he swung his arm in a swift downward motion. "Ringring!" the bell rang. "Time's up!" Kakashi announced panting from the 'little' workout he just had. "Looks like you all failed,since none of you had any of the bells." "...Sensei whoever said that?" I held up three bells that dangled from my fingers. "What! When?" "Shh Sensei!Its trade secret~!" "I don't need these, I'll become a ninja. One way or the other." I smirked while tossing them each a bell. "But you deserve it. You got it Naruto kun!I can take again next year you take it!" "I don't want sympathy from a loser." he threw his bell to Sakura. "You take it. I'll not stoop to that level to accept sympaties from my brother." he threw his bell at Sasuke. "You all.. passed." "What!" Sakura asked, astonished.
And I zoned out when Kakashi started his speech. By the end of it , it is safe to say that everyone saw Kakashi in a new light. "Sorry Kakashi, but you're still a stupid, perverted,hentai old coot that does not deserve to be called human. So I'll just call you Kakashi!" Kakashi sweatdropped. "See ya next time!"
"Wait Naruto!" "Yes?" I spun around to meet face to face with my brother. "...I'm...sorry I really am. Ma an Pa also feels the same..
so in behalf of our parents and myself...I SINCERLY apologise!" I giggled and smiled. "...You have no idea how long I've waited for those words!" 'Are you sure Child? ' 'Yes I'm.' I took of my mask to reveal the face that hid behind the layer of deception for years.I balanced on the balls of my feet and smiled."Okari! Onii san!"

Authors note~
Yay! Its done! xD I couldn't update earlier because my ipod kept crashing. Dx So I needed to keep rewriting the chappie! T-T Hope you guys liked this chapter! See ya nest time! Ja ne!

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