Author's note (Cancelled:Say yayz)

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Hi guys! Sorry but this story is gonna be on hopd. T-T But hey I'm ficckleminded (is that how you spell it? O.o) you can't blame me!!! I have been reading a fanfic an I have a inspiration!! So yeah I have thought of another naruto fanfic!!! XD Since so far I haven't input any of my oc's (sad..T-T) yet Imma gonna write a oc about mine!! Yay! Sorry, for you guys who anticipated another chapter. But I don't have the inspiration right now!!! But don't worry I'll be back! Actually for a second I contemplated if I should delete this story but I won't cause I don't want to go around people's dream/fantasy world. Cause I know how its like and I have one!! So Ja ne!!!

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