Leaving For Tour { Any Twin Of Choice! }:

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** I'm back. I know I haven't been on here writing and I'm sorry because I didn't want to be the writer that publishes some content and then just gives up. I know that I have to try harder even though it won't be easy for me. Anyways I know that their tour is over but right now I've been loving this song and it's message, so yeah! Anyways, here is a little something I wrote for you readers. ~ Karina💜

It was your last day with your boyfriend { twin name of choice } before he left again for the world tour. You were really happy for him though you knew that it would be difficult to not see each other daily, physically but you both knew that nothing would cause your relationship to be in doubt. Even if it is about the tour, you both believed that it would still be fine. However, you knew that sometimes while he would be gone, you would be emotional about the topic. But { twin name of choice } had a sense that he knew that you would still be thinking about that.

*Twin Name's Pov*: " Y/N, I know what you are thinking about, nothing bad will happen. I promise that we will facetime, text, & call".

* Your Pov*: " I'm sorry, it's just I feel like there would still be pressure on how we won't continue this relationship. I know it sounds dumb but the first time that you left for the first part of tour, I was scared and then it didn't turn out that bad but I still get worried you know. But, I can assure you that I promise that I won't let those thoughts get ahold of me".

*Twin Name's Pov*: " This is why I love you, never forget it".

* Your Pov*: " Thank you, BUT I love you more and you know it".

*Twin Name's Pov*: " Impossi-''

You cut him off saying " Oh BUT it is possible" while laughing out loud.

That's when he hovered over you and started tickling you like crazy which kept making you laugh uncontrollably after begging him to finally stop! Then you guys just cuddled, ate, and watched television before heading off to bed at last.

*** Next Morning ***

You woke up to { twin name of choice }'s arm wrapped around your waist tightly. You blushed once you woke up to that feeling. You guessed you could call it #GOALS! You were playing with his hands when he woke up by saying " Good Morning Gorgeous", which made you blush harder even more which he found really adorable. Suddenly, thoughts started running through your head about last night's conversation between you two but you promised yourself that you will get through it soon.

 Suddenly, thoughts started running through your head about last night's conversation between you two but you promised yourself that you will get through it soon

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He asked you what you wanted for breakfast although you couldn't really choose [ME all the time like no joke!]. After both deciding on breakfast { choose whatever you want }, you both ate while checking over his suitcase and carry-on before you guys would go off to the airport. You put them in the car and drove off while grabbing some Starbucks and snacks along the way of course.

*** Time Skip to Airport***

It turned out that you got there at about an hour early and got his boarding pass ready to go so you both had extra time to spare.

* Your Pov*: " How are you feeling? Excited, Nervous, etc.?" you asked.

* His Pov*: " Actually I am feeling excited and nervous to see all of the beautiful fans and taste the different varieties of cuisines, but I know that once I get on that plane, I will miss you already so much!" saying that while having teary eyes {aww, I swear this imagine has the feels going on for me already. What about you? }.

* Your Pov*: " Hey, don't you dare cry because you know that I will cry too right now babe, I know that I was getting emotional yesterday but you are too beautiful to cry, please be strong for me, okay? Love you sweet." you said right after.

* His Pov*: " Anything for you princess, and GIRL you're right I am too beautiful to cry!!" he said while laughing along with you. (idk why but I started laughing hard when I was typing that haha).

"FLIGHT 1216 BOARDING NOW!" The announcer called through the whole area on the speakers" { Note: Did you get where I got the 1216 from? Their birthday!!}.

You both knew it was his flight so you both stood up and gave each other an enormous bear hug while he had slipped a couple tears onto your shirt. Whereas you tried to hold back your tears which worked until a tear slipped out as well. He let go of the loving hug you both shared for a minute which you enjoyed the whole time and kissed you so passionately which you joined in too.

* His Pov*: " I love you more than you could ever imagine sweetheart, I WILL call you as soon as I get off the plane to our first stop, & in advance I will be sorry if I wake you up because of the time differences but talk to me alright?"

* Your Pov*: " Alright, I love you too { twin name of choice }, and of course I will talk to you boo" you said while smiling and wiping his tears with your thumb.

You both shared another kiss and then he was on his way to give his boarding pass to the man at the desk. You waved him a "goodbye kiss" while he "caught it" and placed it on his cheek.

Once he got on the plane with his brother eventually together, in his mind, he knew that he already missed you and would collect different souvenirs from every country he went!

Okay Babes, that was an imagine for you. It was little different but I thought it was pretty good once I reached the end. Like I said in the beginning, I am remarkably sorry for not updating on here but yeah I just wanted to show you guys that I will be posting more content on this book.

I love you all so much!!

Love, Karina💜

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