Chapter 1

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"-And it will be on your right!" I clutch my books to my chest and murmur a small thanks that was barely audible. Scurrying in the direction the teacher pointed out, I bump into a wall, it was a really hard, but soft wall. I look up and face palm myself mentally, it was actually a wall. Just my luck, I roll my eyes and walk  into my first class wearing a wall print on my forehead. My first hour English teacher looks up, "Hello, how may I help you?" I stood there frozen looking around the room for a perfect unnoticeable seat. Hm, back corner is too obvious, and definitely not the front row. The teacher clearing his throat brought me back to reality. 
"What?" I ask stupidly, causing me to blush. He stood up and makes his way over to me. 
"I'm Mr. Thompson, how may I help you?"
"Hello, I'm Courtney." I said in an almost whisper.
"Oh! The new student Ms. Eaton. Very nice to meet you." He says holding out his hand. I cringe at the phrase "new student". Mr. Thompson awkwardly clears his throat again and drops his hand abruptly. Oh no! Did he think I was cringing at his hand shake offer? I panic in my head and blurt out,
"I wasn't cringing at your hand! No, you have a fine hand. Please let me shake it." And with the, I use both my hands and yank his hand and give it a firm shake causing the whole class to burst into laughter. Mr. Thompson gives them a glare, they stop. OMG, This IS SO TERRIFYING!!! A blush starts to creep on to my face when I realize what I've done. I run to the back of the room and let the embarrassment wash over me. What a terrible what to start off the day at a new school. I groan out loud, Mr Thompson probably think I'm a hand shaking freak.
"PST." Whoever is psting me, they aren't psting me. "PTS. pts, hey you." A girl's voice chuckles. I lift my head and take a quick glance over at her.
"Me-e?" I stutter. She nodded with satisfaction and greets me,
"I'm Kristen, Kristen Stewart, Who are you? I've never seen you around, so you must be new around here! Omg was it sad leaving your old home? I would be totally devastated. Like that is just so make sure of it. Wowwww, your eyes are so pretty, I wish I had chocolate brown eyes like you mine are dull blue...." Kristen kept talking and I stop listening. The only thing I could think of was how can she talk this long? She hasn't even taken a breath yet. "And I love lemon tarts." She finishes off her ramble with a smile. "So what about you?" I just stared at her with my mouth agape like a fish. 
"Kristen baby, stop scaring her." A boy with brownish with blonde on the tips says to her, pressing his lips to hers. I turn away and give them some privacy. Who is that? Obviously not her boyfriend, my conscious remark sarcastically. PDA, is totally not my thing.


"So what is your goal for high school?" Robert asks me. Turns out PDA man has been dating Kristen for almost two years. I shrug my shoulders and continue staring at my converse. Kristen's goal is to become the soccer team captain, Robert's goal is to maintain a perfect GPA. So what is my goal???? I ponder long and hard, but I cannot come up with anything, so I shrug again. Rob sighs loudly and I instantly fell bad. He is just trying to be my friend, but I couldn't even talk to him. 
Kristen smacks his arm and hisses, "Be nice to her! She's just a little shy. I'm sure once she get comfortable around us she'll open up." She said nice... I'm nice? That's it!
"Nice...." I utter. Rob and Kristen's heads whip around to look at me in surprise.
"What?!" They both exclaim excited.
"My goal, is to be the nicest person in the whole school." I say a bit louder than before. 


During lunch I sit at a table with Rob, Kristen, and a bunch of their friends. Nobody is paying attention to me, so I slip away from their table and sit at a bench outside underneath some trees. I just sit there contemplating how my first day hasn't been so bad. Right as I'm about to stand up, a shadow casts over the table. I look up to see a guy, oh, not just any guy. He has a rugged kind of look to him and his bleach blonde hair is swept to one side in a messy kind of way. He stands confident over my table just looking at me. I notice that his arms are pretty muscular, indicating that he works out. His eyes were a deep dark brownish color and seem to be piercing through me. I cock my head to the side when I see something very strange there is a tiny scar behind his ear. He must have seen me staring at it because he scowls and turns his head away from me. I blush at being caught in the act and stand up when a voice jokes, "Whoa what's a girl doing at our table? Nice catch bro," the boy says slapping the scar guy on the back. The scar guy scowl turns even deeper."I'm Shawn, and may I ask who are you?" Shawn grins cheekily and winks at me. I look between the completely different boys when I finally murmur,
"I'm Courtney..."
"Very nice to meet you Courtney. My buddy over here is Ross. He doesn't like talking to people, so he's lucky he even has a friend like me." I look amusingly at Ross, who just grunts in response. Foe some reason I can't take my eyes off Ross, and it seems like Ross can't take his eyes off me, because he's staring right back. I am about to ask him something when I hear Kristen's voice. 
"That's where you've been! I've been looking everywhere for you. Come on let's go." I reluctantly walk over to Kristen, I turn back around to wave good bye, but Shawn and Ross are already gone. "Stay away from them. Especially- Courtney? Are you even listening to me?"
"I'm telling you to stay away from those two boys you were interacting with. They're trouble, especially Ross." Speak of the devil, I am thinking about him. 
"Why?" I ask in a much louder tone than expected. Kristen beans at me, because I just talked loudly and didn't stutter, she replies, "They're no good. Shawn is an all around player, and Ross is the scariest bad boy ever to go to this school. I heard he's the leader of a gang or something. They smoke, drink, and do all these things we can only imagine."  Wow sounds like a typical bad boy to me. People like Ross are not compatible with people like me. He's silent yet confident person. He knows other people are afraid of him, and he loves it. Also, he seems like he doesn't give a crap about what other people think of him. I am the complete opposite. I'm silent because I'm shy. I'm scared about what other people think about me, and most of all I have no self- confidence. I sigh as I enter the classroom for the last hour of the day. I sit in the only seat that is left open, everybody gasps. 
"She did not just sit there."
"Total dead meat."
"Aw she doesn't know she's new." 
"Omg, he's going to murder her."I feel everyone's eyes on me and I slide lower in my seat and hunch my shoulders. Why are people gossiping about me? I wait in my head and slide even lower in my seat and keep my eyes on my hands which are laying  on my lap. I hear the door whoosh open and suddenly everybody looks back at the front of the class, away from me.  Very slowly I lift my head and find myself right into the deep brown eyes of Ross. He keeps staring at me, I lower my head again. Do I have something on my face? I wipe the corners of my lips. "Oh dude, she's going to get it." whispers a guy. I heard footsteps coming closer to me, and I smell a very intoxicating smell. A smell that belongs to the one and only baddest boy of the school.
"That's  my seat." A low husky voice fills my ears as he speaks to me. I feel my heart beat a little faster.
"O-oh." I manage to stammer out. This is the first time I've ever heard him speak and boy I love his voice.
"Erm I'm s-sorry." I stammer. My palms were getting sweaty, while my heart is still running a marathon. Right as I'm about to get up and move , Ross bends down and whispers in my ear. I could feel his hot breath against my ear and down my neck. I shiver as he spoke, "Stay, I'm leaving." My head shoots up to raise an eyebrow at him. 
"Where are you going?" Hunter smirks and leaves the classroom. Well so much for that. I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding in, and slid back down into the seat. 
"Did you see that?! He let her have his seat." 
"Impossible! He's never done that before." A sharp nail digs into the skin of my shoulder. I turn around and come face to face with a girl glaring at me with daggers. "What did you do?" She accuses me, pointing a long manicured finger at me. He glare was icy cold, and I decide that I didn't like he one bit. 
"What?!" I ask confused. 
She pokes m in the arm and questions me, "Why did Ross give you his seat? How do you know him?" 
"I d-don't know h-him." I stutter. I wouldn't say I knew Ross, because face it. I don't know him, and he doesn't know me. 
"You better stay away from him you little whore. You're just a little loser who has a speech impediment." And with that, she whirls around, her hair smacking me in the face. I feel my eyes getting hot and scratchy, I know tears are coming soon. I didn't do anything to her, yet she was so mean to me. But the worst is when she told me that I have a speech impediment, I do not. I'm just very very shy, people like her make me feel worse than I already do. I politely ask the teacher if I could use the restroom. I run out of the room before the tears could fall. I aimlessly walk down the hallways, trying to calm myself down. I have no idea where I am going and where I will be going . Out of the blue, I heard  a shout and more loud noises. I run over and see two guys fighting. I probably shouldn't have stayed and watched, considering I hate violence. I cannot stand violence after what happened to my dad in the past. Luckily he's still alive. But, despite my hatred, I crept a little bit closer, because one of the guy is Ross. He has blood running lip, and his knuckles were bruised, the other guy is in a much more terrible condition.  His nose is crooked at an awkward angle, and her has a huge black eye. There is blood all over him. I think I'm going to be sick... 
Ross threw another blow and knocks his opponent to the ground. Before, I knew what was I was doing, I was screaming. really loud, and I don't know why. Surprised, Ross locks eyes with me. His face filled with surprise and a little bit of concern. My eyes fill with unnecessary treas as we continue looking at each other. Suddenly, the other guy slams Ross against the locker. Ross groans as the guy threw punches to hiss face. I yell, "STOP! STOP! STOP!" But nobody listens, Ross's  face twists into anger and rage as he spits blood onto his opponent's face and rams him into a wall. He mercilessly pounded his opponent. The guy moans and falls to the ground in a lump. Ross continues to pound his opponent to s pulp. He kicks the guy's ribs and I swear I heard a crack. This side of Ross scared me. It scares me so much that I finally start crying. Ross is breathing heavily and looks at the guy on the floor with such contempt that I whimper. He turns around to look at me, like he just remembers that I'm still there, witnessing the whole fight. He slowly makes his way over to me, I slump on the ground, trying not to puke. Blood, blood is everywhere. I wrap my arms around myself as he made his was over to me. 
"Courtney," he whispers cautiously, at the sound of my name rolling effortlessly off his tongue, i glance up only to be entranced by his beautiful eyes. I shiver in delight, even though I should be repulse that he almost kill a man. 
"Did you ki-kill him?" I stammer out, sobs still wracking my body. Thankfully, Ross shook his head no. I sigh in relief, Ross grabs onto my hand, helping me up to my feet. His large rough hands seem to engulf my petite hand. Not to forget that his hand was stained with blood..... I quickly pull my hand away from him and back away. "Please don't touch me." Then I sprint down the hallway, never look back. If I had, I may have noticed the broken face Ross was wearing, before I ran away, with his hand still in the air, frozen in the air, stunned. 

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