Chapter 6

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"No," I murmur, "NO!!"
"I'm in a gang, your father's gang..." Ross's words play in my head over and over again. Ross's face fills with concern for me. "Baby, I told you it was a big secret. I don't want you to think of me differently." I jump off the couch, away from him and exclaim,
"Ross, you're in my dad'd gang. My mom is broken because him. I don't know if I can go through everything she's been through." Ross looks pissed. His nostrils are flared, and his chest is heaving up and down, trying to calm himself. I want you to never leave me, I want you to promise to not leave me like my dad, I think to myself.
"I really like you Ross, but this is so much to take in." He stood up and starts pacing around the room.
"I opened up to you! I told yo everything!" Ross is furious, as he yells at me. "I told you not to think of me differently, but now you want to leave me."
"I'm not leaving you!" I yell back at him in frustration. "I just need some time to myself. Today I talked to my dad for the first time in 7 years, only to find out that he's a gang leader! Not to mention that you're in his gang. This is too much for me!" My face flushes red with anger while I'm yelling at him. Ross sends me a piercing glare and pick up a lamp then threw it against the wall.
"Leave!" He hollers as the lamp shatters into million little pieces, just like my heart. I don't go against his words as I open his front door, take one last look at Ross slouched on the couch with his face in his hands, and left.


I run home crying, and lock myself in my room. My foot kicks a box under my bed, it turns out to be my dad's letters. Slowly, I rip open the oldest letter open. I am strong enough to read these, I chant to myself. Be brave.

Dear my beautiful daughter Courtney,

Daddy is gone for the moment, but he is always thinking about you. Don't waste tears on me because Daddy will be home soon. Tell Mommy that Daddy lovers her, Daddy loves all of you. Did you receive the present I sent you on your birthday? Daddy misses you so much. He just wants to tuck you in for the night, and read a bedtime story to you. If you ever want to talk to Daddy, just call this number on the card I sent along with this letter.

Lots of kisses and big bear hugs!

Love, Daddy

By the time I finish reading, the letter is stained with my tears. I clutch the letter to my heart and sob for my broken childhood, my loving dad, and Ross I go downstairs to confront my mom about whether she knew about any of this.
"What's wrong honey?" My mom asks and embraces me into a hug.
"D-dad and Ro-oss!" I cry.
"I'm guessing that he won't be joining us for dinner tomorrow?" I shake my head, the thought of having Ross over for dinner made me even more depressed about our fight.
"You knew bout dad, didn't you?" My mom's face contorts into sadness, and slowly nods her head, yes. "Why?!?" I cry. "Why did you tell me that dad didn't love us anymore. When in fact, he loves us so much!"
Mom starts crying too, "It was hard for me. i couldn't stand being without him. I love him so much, that it was just easier letting go of him all together." I wrap my arms around my mom, and we cry together for the ones we love. After our little crying fit, I make mom call dad. At first she refuses, but eventually she agrees. I can see it in her eyes, that she was excited yet terrified at the same time. She slowly dials his number and wait for him to pick up.
"Hello?" His masculine voice fills the phone.
"I can't do this..." She whispers and buries her face into her hands.
"Yes you can!" I pick up the phone, "Hey daddy... I read your first letter."
"That's great, you're finally calling me. Everyday I wait for your phone call but it never comes." His voice sounds so broken, and I know only his wife can heal any broken heart.
"Mom wants to talk to you." I hand her the phone, while she tries to calm her erratic breathing pattern.
"Jules, is that you?" My dad's endearing name for my mom sent her over the edge.
"Stephen," She cries into the phone. "Stephen, oh Stephen!"
"Julia, I love you so much. Why have you stopped loving me?"
"I never stopped loving you," My mom sobs. "It hurts, it hurts so much." I quietly leave the room, to leave them their privacy. I hear mom go to her bedroom, lock the door, and never comes out. I can hear her talking and catching up with the one man she couldn't stop loving. I hear her laugh, cry, and yell into the phone at my dad, but I know they are closer than ever before.

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