The Unexpected House Mate

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              The Shire was a peculiar place, very small and Humble. nothing like where Thorin lived , he was use the harsh conditions of Ered Luin, but the shire was so much different. It was full of vegetation, cheerful Hobbits and always smelt of sweets and freshly baked bread. Though this was very alien to him it was worth it to spend the rest of his life with his beloved Hobbit. Oh, his Hobbit, his burglar, his Bilbo. After claiming back Erebor, Thorin confessed his love to the young Hobbit and after days of discussion with his fellow Dwarfs, it was decided that Thorin would return to the Shire with Bilbo and wed while Fili would be crowed King of Erebor. The thought of his beloved name brought a smile to his face as he took a puff of his pipe and stared at Bilbo, who was sitting in the in his favorite chair next to him  reading a novel of some sort.

"Damn, That blasted Dragon! He's taking hold of the princess again!" Bilbo blurted out stomping his feet angrily. "Can you believe that Thorin?!For the third time she's been captured like a damsel in distress while the poor Arogon has to go rescue her again!" Thorin chuckled as Bilbo continued angrily fidgeting in his chair.

 "It is only a book my Beloved, Haven't you gotten enough of dragons for a life time anyway?" Thorin questioned puffing at his pipe once more.

"You would think I have." Bilbo added closing his book and walked over to Thorin who sat comfortably in the neighboring chair. Bilbo grinned sitting down side ways on Thorin's lap.

 "I think I am a hobbit of adventure now thanks to you, Dwarf." Bilbo teased nuzzling his forehead into Thorin's neck. He breathed in slowly, taking in Thorin's Iron like smell. Though he as been the Dwarf of Bag End for over a month now, he still smelt of Erebor and its riches.

"Do not speak to me in such a voice, Hobbit, I am still a king." Thorin joked wrapping his arms around Bilbo.
"And I am a still a well respected Hobbit Of bag End and I shall speak to whom ever how ever I want, thank you." Bilbo sassed, Giving Thorin's neck a soft bite.

"Well played." Thorin mumbled. He licked his lips. The two had shared a shy kiss back in Erebor and they had only cuddled since they had arrived at the Shire. There had been awkward nights when they slept side by side that Thorin wanted to proceed in his desires to touch Bilbo. He wanted to desperately to kiss him with passion and let his hands wonder down the fragile Hobbit's body but it seemed like such a far fetched Idea. Thorin's wondering mind was ceased as a knock came at the door.

"Oh great, visitors " Bilbo groaned pushing himself off his lover and waddled his way out the Thorin's site and to the front door. Thorin listened as the front door opened.

" What ever you are selling we don't want any----what are you doing here? I haven't see you in Bag End in years!" Bilbo spoke, his voice louder than normal.

"Hello to you to Bilbo!" A mysterious voice echoed through the house. Thorin's ears perked at the sound of the new persons voice. He listened closer.
"My dear Bilbo, I have a big, big, big favor to ask you!"

"I have no money to spare!"

"No, that is not It this time!" The stranger groaned in an exhausted manner hyping Thorin's curiosity, the stranger continued.

"Bilbo, I have settled down, my wife has bore my children and we have raised them into adulthood. I'm sure you have heard of the tragic drowning of my dear sister Primula and her husband and of the orphan boy that was left alone. Though I love my nephew dearly, I can no longer care for him and deal with his recklessness and his disobedience"

Thorin's curiosity had spiked now, he pushed himself out of the chair and walked to the front door. A rather tired looking Hobbit stood at the door dressed in fancy attire. He was taller than Bilbo, no more than a few inches. His head was covered by curly black hair that he had pulled back into a low hanging pony tail. His light blue eyes were drained and tired with heavy bags weighing them down.

"Bilbo." Thorin said walking by his lovers side. Bilbo smiled up at him.

"Oh, Thorin this is my cousin Rorimack Brandybuck, Rorimack, this is Thorin Oakenshield, former king of Erebor." Tingles wiggled their way down Thorin's spine, he loved hearing Bilbo call him king. Rorimack's eyes were wide as they focused on Thorin in awe.

"Erebor? He must be a Dwarf, why I've never laid eyes on a Dwarf before! And a King?! What are doing in the Shire if I may ask?" Thorin swallowed looking down at Bilbo. He was not sure what to tell him.

"Well, he is my lover." Bilbo cut in strongly.

"Lover? Even better, my fair Bilbo that is great!! Even more reason to take him In!!!" Rorimack laughed clapping his hands. Bilbo furrowed his eye bows.

"Him?" He questioned. Still laughing, Rorimack took at step back.

"Come here Boy! "He called. A small boy hobbled in front of him. "This is the Orphan I spoke of, Frodo, say hello!" Rorimack said giving the boy a little push. Frodo frowned grimly looking up through his gentle black curly hair at the odd couple.

"Hello." He said in a hushed tone. He was adorable , so adorable Thorin had to stop himself from pushing Bilbo and Rorimack down and scooping up the small Boy in his arms.

"What is this about?" Bilbo asked horror filling his voice. 

"Will you take in the poor boy Bilbo? I can't take care of him, say you'll take him!" Rorimack pleaded.

"A child?!I can't take care of a child!" Bilbo yelled avoiding the sad look of the boy below him.

"But Bilbo-"

"Yes! We will take him in!" Thorin said catching the attention of all three of them.

"Are you crazy?" Bilbo whispered shooting him a dangerous glare. Thorin squatted down in front of the boy so they could be eye to eye. The boy stared at him with big blue curious eyes.

"You're not a hobbit." The child commented reaching over and giving Thorin's braid a slight pull.
Thorin chuckled.
"That is right, I am a Dwarf. What is you're name lad?" Thorin asked in the kindest voice he could muster.
"Frodo." Frodo replied sheepishly, a smile replacing his frown.

"Frodo, What a powerful name, you must be destined for great things! Would you like to come live with Me and Your uncle Bilbo for now on?"

"yes!" Frodo smiled and pulled at his shirt.

"Good." Thorin said standing back up. Both Rorimack and Bilbo stared at Thorin bewildered at his sudden display of kindness.

"Well Bilbo, You heard the boy, he will living with us for now on. Come now Frodo, let me show you around. " Thorin grabbed hold of Frodo's hand as they walked past the confused Hobbits.

"Well," Bilbo breathed out astonished " I guess we have a new house mate."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2017 ⏰

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