Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Nova stood in the Sistine chapel gazing up at the battle between angels and demons. The artwork had her speechless as she tried to take in all of Michelangelo's piece.  

"Beautiful" a voice broke the silence of the empty mausoleum.

Nova jerked her gaze to the owner of the voice. The voice had startled her, she thought she was alone in her dream, no one else was around, or so she thought. So much for a peaceful dream she thought. But when her gaze focused in on her intruder all her thoughts on Michelangelo's artwork scattered.

He was gorgeous. Simply beautiful. Extremely tall, at least a couple inches past six feet with dark unruly hair that fell in his eyes. But even his hair couldn't hide the intensity of those eyes. So dark almost black they seemed to cut right through her. As if he were memorizing every secret and finding her deepest desires.

"Who are you?" she asked.

This seemed to take the intense look off his face and he visibly relaxed.

"Many people have asked the same question. I don't think one such as yourself could even fathom what I am" he replied with a dark look.

"Why are you here?" she continued, she wanted her dream back now, and this guy was starting to give her the creeps.

"I'm here for you.." he whispered.

"For me?" she gulped. Ok, this was worse than him staring at her. She needed to wake up now. She tried to will herself awake but it wasn't working. Oh God she thought, I am stuck in a dream with a scary, hot stalker. I've seen these movies. The unsuspecting girl always died.

He laughed aloud as she ranted in her head. Then she knew, he was reading her mind. This got her past freaked and into pissed. Fast.

"Go to hell" she cursed as she started pinching herself to wake. As she felt herself fade out from her dream into consciousness she heard his last parting words.

"I just left.."


Nova opened her eyes and felt herself shudder with remembrance of her dream. I need to stop watching late night horror movies with Sarina. She opened her eyes and looked at her clock. Oh No she panicked, I'm late. She jumped up and started throwing on her clothes. I have fifteen minutes to be at school! She ran to her sister's room and threw open the door.

"Sarina! Wake up were late!" She exclaimed as she shook her sister repeatedly. 

"No, Mark I don't want to pee on the flowers" Sarina spoke sleepily.

Nova giggled. What is she dreaming about? Sarina had talked her sleep for as long as Nova could remember. It was always random, never really making any sense. But at least Sarina was free of nightmares Nova gripped. That made her look back at the clock with a grimace.

"Sarina get up" She shook Sarina with more force.

"Not Mom's roses" Sarina exclaimed as she jerked upright. Proceeding to collide with Nova's lowered head.

"Oww.." Nova screeched as she fall back on the bed rubbing her head. 

"Oh, hey Nova" Sarina smiled as if she didn't notice Nova's presence.

"Sarina one day I am going to learn to wake you up with a taser I swear.." Nova grumbled rolling off the bed to go call Ryan.

"You are so grouchy in the mornings." Sarina complained.

Nova narrowed her eyes but didn't choose to go there, they have had these conversations many times and Sarina always denied that she was in the wrong. Sarina had an  

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