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Third Person's point of view.

Finally at the hideout, a captured Kabuto and much more eager to get inside Naruto and Sakura take off. While Asura leaves Yamato in charge of guarding Kabuto with one of her own wood clones. As she caught up to Naruto and Sakura they were forced to split up. Each one taking a tunnel to look through all the doors to find Sasuke. Thought it would seem that Asura was unlucky along with Naruto which meant that it was Sakura that would find him along with Sai. Two hours in and suddenly the hideout shook. Rumbling waved through the whole place after calming down Asura followed the sounds coming to a tunnel with too much light she met up with Naruto and Sakura, and Yamoto. Who seemed to replace himself with a clone and chased after them, Asura rolled her eyes and he shrugged, Sakura locked her pale green gaze on the pale and black figure of Sai and took off, with Naruto close behind. But he tripped along the way, getting up he picked up his pace and when he got out he seemed to move in slow motion and when his gaze finally fell on Sasuke he was just as shocked by what the dark haired teen looked like.

Sprinting after them, Yamato exited first and answer the question that was called down, "I assume this means Kakashi's here somewhere..." but he was startled by the face of Yamato instead. "Sorry, but Kakashi couldn't make it. I'm here in his stead. We of team Kakashi are here to take you back to Konoha." With a blank face Sasuke looked over the four people and frowned internally.

The one person he wished to see wasn't even here. "Sorry I'm a little late. Was almost crushed by a giant stone just now." Her voice drew the eyes of everyone including Sasuke who stood perched on the wall/cliff. "Ah Asura. Still with these guys haven't you powered up yet or are you still just a Chûnin?" Stepping forward Yamato addressed this assumption. "Actually you are looking at the Fifth Hokage." Sasuke smirked and narrowed his eyes at her, "wow, never thought you would actually do it." Crossing her arms she glared up at him her purple Renningan/Byakugan/Sharingan eyes always made him weak in the knees and emotionally nervous.

"What if I could tell you that I know exactly where what your looking for is." He scoffed at her, "I'd say you were a lier and a fool to think he would ever lose to you." She shrugged and made an 'I-don't-know' gesture while saying, "and what if I said he came to me of his own free will and wishes to redeem himself." Rage filled Sasuke's eyes and body as he lost his composure. The four ninjas moved to protect their Hokage but she raised her hand and stopped them. They gave cries of protest but she ignored them and when Sasuke was in striking range she grabbed him and quick, faster than his Sharingan could follow she knocked him out. Sighing she clapped her hands of dust and looked at Naruto and the others. Their jaws hung open like fish and Asura shrugged "what? Did you really think I was going to waste energy and chakra trying to sub-do him?" They shook their heads and she knelt down again and sealed his chakra making him about as strong as a brand new Genin. Picking him up she tossed him over her shoulder and handed his sword off to Yamato, "okay home we go." Naruto was just beaming with happiness so much so that he stepped in front of Asura and to thank her he kissed her right on the cheek she patted his head and the rushed off before anyone could stop them. Asura already knew that Kabuto had escaped Yamato and Asura's clones they didn't have the full strength to hold him for too long but it didn't matter because they had who they wanted and it was that mattered.

One week later.

Arriving back home with a weak but awake Sasuke he stood in the middle of all of them to make sure he couldn't escape not that he could get very far but it helped to be cautious. The second Asura walked into the village several Jonins and Chunins weeped and cried that they had missed her and wished she'd never leave and put Lady Tsunade and Lord Jiraiya in charge again. She would smile and promise even though it might happen again sometime in the future. Getting about as far as the food shops she was stopped again but by her own personal squad of Anbu. They knelt in greeting and welcomed her home. Calling for Akaime and two of the others she had them take Sakura, Naruto and Sai's place in escorting Sasuke to a room where he could be watched until everything was sorted out. Walking behind the five nins she felt the emotions rolling off of Akaime in waves as he was happy to have his brother home and safe from Orochimaru's taint.

Now in the room, Asura sat across from Sasuke in the desk chair while he flopped tiredly onto the bed. "I want you to read something." He didn't answer and just lay there. "I can guarantee that it will be worth your while." Thinking that if he humoured her she'd leave him alone, he sat up and took what she held out to him. Opening it he read the title and his eyes widened "told you." She sang teasingly. But he was lost in the words that were scrawled out in the paper. All of it orders from Danzo and the other elders to Itachi and forced upon Sarutobi. "Is this all true?" She nodded, "every word. Now don't worry about the elders they will be arrested for their crimes I had them detained until all this was sorted but I figure you want to see someone else, am I right?" Standing he nodded. Smiling Asura stepped over to Akaime and gripped his mask in both hands and lifted it off his face showing the young Uchiha the face of his older brother.

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